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CDI gr8flyer55

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Old 08-21-2011, 07:15 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Yes, that's how I originally got the hex file posted, should work for the ASM file since it is just text anyway. I am glad there are many ways to accomplish these tasks. What we actually should have though is a dedicated web site for these projects and related files. Looking into a way to do this for free with password access.

Old 08-21-2011, 10:51 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Here's the ASM file for all to download and save.. Thanks for your patience.


;nyemicdi  PIC 12F683 4Mhz.
             LIST      P=12F683, F=INHX8M
             include ""
             ORG     0x0000    
             GOTO    Label_0001
             ORG     0x0004
             MOVWF   0x70
             SWAPF   STATUS    , W
             CLRF    STATUS
             MOVWF   0x71
             INCF    0x27      , F      ;TMR0 interrupt  0x27=TMR0 overflow registers
             BCF     INTCON    , T0IF    
             SWAPF   0x71      , W
             MOVWF   STATUS
             SWAPF   0x70      , F
             SWAPF   0x70      , W
             NOP                        ;ignition advance table
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
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             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0005
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             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
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             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0009
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             RETLW	000C
             RETLW	000C
             RETLW	000F
             RETLW	0010
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             RETLW	00A0
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             RETLW	00C0
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             RETLW	00CF
             RETLW	00D0
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             RETLW	00D1
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             RETLW	00D7
             RETLW	00D7
             RETLW	00D8
             RETLW	00DA
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             RETLW	00DD
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             RETLW	00DE
             RETLW	00DF
             RETLW	00E1
             RETLW	00E2
             RETLW	00E3
             RETLW	00E4
             RETLW	00E5
             RETLW	00E5
             RETLW	00E6
             RETLW	00E8
             RETLW	00E9
             RETLW	00EA
             RETLW	00EB
             RETLW	00EC
             RETLW	00EC
             RETLW	00ED
             RETLW	00EF
             RETLW	00F0
             RETLW	00F1
             RETLW	00F2
             RETLW	00F3
             RETLW	00F3
             RETLW	00F5
             RETLW	00F6
             RETLW	00F7
 Label_0006  BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVF    0x22      , W
             MOVWF   PCLATH
             MOVF    0x21      , W
             MOVWF   PCL
 Label_0001  BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BSF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVLW   0X61
             MOVWF   OSCCON
 Label_0013  BTFSS   OSCCON    , HTS
             GOTO    Label_0013           
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             CLRF    GPIO
             MOVLW   0x07
             MOVWF   CMCON0               ;comparator module Initialization
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BSF     STATUS    , RP0
             CLRF    ANSEL
             MOVLW   0x0C
             MOVWF   TRISIO              ;GP2= HALL sensor input. GP0-GP1, ouput
             MOVLW   0x07
             MOVWF   OPTION_REG          ;OPTION_REG 07=256uS prescaler
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVLW   0x02
             MOVWF   GPIO
             CLRF    0x24
             CLRF    0x27
             CLRF    TMR0                ;clear TMR0 
             MOVLW   0xA0
             MOVWF   INTCON              ;interrupt Initialization   
 Label_0003  BTFSC   GPIO      ,GP2      ;wait for high pulse on Hall switch (-_+). 
             GOTO    Label_0002          ;BTFSS = wait for low pulse on Hall switch (+_-)  Alterable!!
             MOVLW   0x01
             MOVWF   0x24
             GOTO    Label_0003 
 Label_0002  MOVF    0x24      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0003
             CLRF    INTCON
             MOVF    TMR0      , W
             MOVWF   0x25
             CLRF    TMR0
             MOVLW   0x01
             SUBWF   0x27      , W         
             BTFSS   STATUS    , C 
             GOTO    Label_0005          ;917RPM< Table values         
 Label_0011  NOP                         ;0-917 RPM Yes (~26°degree)
             NOP                         ;delay time value=0-917RPM~26°degree Initialization 
             NOP                         ;delay time
             NOP                         ;((12NOP)18uS × TMR0)+RETLW 255 at current value (00F7=26degree)Alterable!!
             MOVF    0x25      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0010
             DECF    0x25      , F
             GOTO    Label_0011
 Label_0010  MOVLW   0xFF
             MOVWF   0x25
 Label_0005  MOVF    0x25      , W
             ADDLW   00E8                ;RPM limiter   E8=9973 RPM     Alterable!!
             BTFSS   STATUS    , C
             GOTO    Label_0012
             MOVF    0x25      , W
             ADDLW   0x10
             MOVWF   0x21
             MOVLW   0x00
             BTFSC   STATUS    , C
             ADDLW   0x01
             MOVWF   0x22
             MOVF    PCLATH    , W 
             MOVWF   0x20
             CALL    Label_0006
             MOVWF   0x23
             MOVF    0x20      , W
             MOVWF   PCLATH
             MOVF    0x23      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0007
 Label_0008  NOP
             NOP                        ;RETLW value(0x23 registers) x 19uS=16 NOP    Alterable!! 
             DECFSZ  0x23      , F
             GOTO    Label_0008
 Label_0007  MOVLW   0x03
             XORWF   GPIO      , F      ;Output: GP1, 
             MOVLW   0xD8               ;Output reverse: GP0,
             MOVWF   0x26                   
 Label_0009  NOP                        ;Output time(dwell):(3NOP)6uS x 0x26 registers ((D8=216)x6=1296uS)
             DECFSZ  0x26      , F 
             GOTO    Label_0009
             MOVLW   0x03               ;Output: GP1, 
             XORWF   GPIO      , F      ;Output reverse: GP0,
 Label_0012  CLRF    0x24
             CLRF    0x27               ; TMR0 overflow registers(0x27) clear
             MOVLW   0xA0
             MOVWF   INTCON             ;interrupt Initialization 
             GOTO    Label_0003
             GOTO    Label_0001
             ORG     0x2007
             DATA    33C4               ;Config Bytes
Old 08-22-2011, 07:10 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Good idea John.
Now waitingfor Nyemi flowchart/instructions.
What about your HV module , is also open source ? which Ignition coil you use ?

Old 08-22-2011, 08:28 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

The hv module is coming. Ignition coils I use are
mostly the Zenoah grey coils. Picture of that coming tonight when I get off work. Schematic for ignition is being drawn up also. Been busy the last week with work , I have 2 jobs. Also, a hex file for 4 strokes is in the works.

Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Db83829.jpg
Views:	285
Size:	39.6 KB
ID:	1651984  
Old 08-22-2011, 09:43 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi John,

Please copy here also the ASM file for 4T engine when you will finish it.
In this way we can see the difference between 2T and 4T and to learn something new

Old 08-27-2011, 09:34 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

4stroke ASM file for the 12f683 PIC.


;nyemicdi  PIC 12F683 4Mhz.
             LIST      P=12F683, F=INHX8M
             include ""
             ORG     0x0000    
             GOTO    Label_0001
             ORG     0x0004
             MOVWF   0x70
             SWAPF   STATUS    , W
             CLRF    STATUS
             MOVWF   0x71
             INCF    0x27      , F      ;TMR0 interrupt  0x27=TMR0 overflow registers
             BCF     INTCON    , T0IF    
             SWAPF   0x71      , W
             MOVWF   STATUS
             SWAPF   0x70      , F
             SWAPF   0x70      , W
             NOP                        ;ignition advance table
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0000
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0003
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0001
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0002
             RETLW	0004
             RETLW	0005
             RETLW	0006
             RETLW	0007
             RETLW	0008
             RETLW	000A
             RETLW	000B
             RETLW	000D
             RETLW	000E
             RETLW	000F
             RETLW	0010
             RETLW	0012
             RETLW	0013
             RETLW	0014
             RETLW	0016
             RETLW	0017
             RETLW	0018
             RETLW	0019
             RETLW	001A
             RETLW	001B
             RETLW	001D
             RETLW	001E
             RETLW	001F
             RETLW	0021
             RETLW	0022
             RETLW	0023
             RETLW	0025
             RETLW	0026
             RETLW	0027
             RETLW	0028
             RETLW	0028
             RETLW	002A
             RETLW	002C
             RETLW	002D
             RETLW	002E
             RETLW	0030
             RETLW	0031
             RETLW	0032
             RETLW	0034
             RETLW	0035
             RETLW	0036
             RETLW	0038
             RETLW	0039
             RETLW	003A
             RETLW	003B
             RETLW	003C
             RETLW	003E
             RETLW	003F
             RETLW	0040
             RETLW	0041
             RETLW	0042
             RETLW	0044
             RETLW	0045
             RETLW	0046
             RETLW	0048
             RETLW	0049
             RETLW	004A
             RETLW	004B
             RETLW	004D
             RETLW	004E
             RETLW	0050
             RETLW	0051
             RETLW	0052
             RETLW	0053
             RETLW	0055
             RETLW	0056
             RETLW	0057
             RETLW	0058
             RETLW	005A
             RETLW	005B
             RETLW	005C
             RETLW	005D
             RETLW	005F
             RETLW	0060
             RETLW	0061
             RETLW	0062
             RETLW	0064
             RETLW	0065
             RETLW	0066
             RETLW	0067
             RETLW	0069
             RETLW	006A
             RETLW	006B
             RETLW	006C
             RETLW	006E
             RETLW	006F
             RETLW	0070
             RETLW	0072
             RETLW	0073
             RETLW	0074
             RETLW	0076
             RETLW	0077
             RETLW	0078
             RETLW	007A
             RETLW	007B
             RETLW	007C
             RETLW	007D
             RETLW	007E
             RETLW	007E
             RETLW	007F
             RETLW	0080
             RETLW	0081
             RETLW	0082
             RETLW	0083
             RETLW	0084
             RETLW	0084
             RETLW	0085
             RETLW	0086
             RETLW	0087
             RETLW	0088
             RETLW	0089
             RETLW	008A
             RETLW	008A
             RETLW	008B
             RETLW	008C
             RETLW	008D
             RETLW	008E
             RETLW	008F
             RETLW	008F
             RETLW	0090
             RETLW	0091
             RETLW	0092
             RETLW	0093
             RETLW	0094
             RETLW	0095
             RETLW	0095
             RETLW	0096
             RETLW	0097
             RETLW	0098
             RETLW	0099
             RETLW	009A
             RETLW	009B
             RETLW	009B
             RETLW	009C
             RETLW	009D
             RETLW	009E
             RETLW	009F
             RETLW	009F
             RETLW	00A1
             RETLW	00A1
             RETLW	00A2
             RETLW	00A3
             RETLW	00A4
             RETLW	00A4
             RETLW	00A6
             RETLW	00A7
             RETLW	00A7
             RETLW	00A8
             RETLW	00A9
             RETLW	00A9
             RETLW	00AB
             RETLW	00AC
             RETLW	00AD
             RETLW	00AD
             RETLW	00AE
             RETLW	00AE
             RETLW	00B0
             RETLW	00B1
             RETLW	00B2
             RETLW	00B2
             RETLW	00B3
             RETLW	00B3
             RETLW	00B5
             RETLW	00B6
             RETLW	00B7
             RETLW	00B8
             RETLW	00B8
             RETLW	00B8
             RETLW	00BA
             RETLW	00BB
             RETLW	00BC
             RETLW	00BD
             RETLW	00BE
             RETLW	00BE
             RETLW	00BF
             RETLW	00C0
             RETLW	00C1
             RETLW	00C2
             RETLW	00C3
             RETLW	00C4
             RETLW	00C4
             RETLW	00C5
             RETLW	00C6
             RETLW	00C7
             RETLW	00C8
             RETLW	00C9
             RETLW	00CA
             RETLW	00CA
             RETLW	00CB
             RETLW	00CC
             RETLW	00CD
             RETLW	00CE
             RETLW	00CF
             RETLW	00CF
             RETLW	00D0
             RETLW	00D1
             RETLW	00D2
             RETLW	00D3
             RETLW	00D4
             RETLW	00D5
             RETLW	00D5
             RETLW	00D6
             RETLW	00D7
             RETLW	00FC
 Label_0006  BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVF    0x22      , W
             MOVWF   PCLATH
             MOVF    0x21      , W
             MOVWF   PCL
 Label_0001  BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BSF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVLW   0X61
             MOVWF   OSCCON
 Label_0013  BTFSS   OSCCON    , HTS
             GOTO    Label_0013           
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             CLRF    GPIO
             MOVLW   0x07
             MOVWF   CMCON0               ;comparator module Initialization
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BSF     STATUS    , RP0
             CLRF    ANSEL
             MOVLW   0x0C
             MOVWF   TRISIO              ;GP2= HALL sensor input. GP0-GP1, ouput
             MOVLW   0x07
             MOVWF   OPTION_REG          ;OPTION_REG 07=256uS prescaler
             BCF     STATUS    , RP1
             BCF     STATUS    , RP0
             MOVLW   0x02
             MOVWF   GPIO
             CLRF    0x24
             CLRF    0x27
             CLRF    TMR0                ;clear TMR0 
             MOVLW   0xA0
             MOVWF   INTCON              ;interrupt Initialization   
 Label_0003  BTFSC   GPIO      ,GP2      ;wait for high pulse on Hall switch (-_+). 
             GOTO    Label_0002          ;BTFSS = wait for low pulse on Hall switch (+_-)  Alterable!!
             MOVLW   0x01
             MOVWF   0x24
             GOTO    Label_0003 
 Label_0002  MOVF    0x24      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0003
             CLRF    INTCON
             MOVF    TMR0      , W
             MOVWF   0x25
             CLRF    TMR0
             MOVLW   0x01
             SUBWF   0x27      , W         
             BTFSS   STATUS    , C 
             GOTO    Label_0005          ;917RPM< Table values         
 Label_0011  NOP                         ;0-917 RPM Yes (~26°degree)
             NOP                         ;delay time value=0-917RPM~26°degree Initialization 
             NOP                         ;delay time
             NOP                         ;((19NOP)25uS × TMR0)+RETLW 255 at current value (00FC=35degree)Alterable!!
             MOVF    0x25      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0010
             DECF    0x25      , F
             GOTO    Label_0011
 Label_0010  MOVLW   0xFF
             MOVWF   0x25
 Label_0005  MOVF    0x25      , W
             ADDLW   00E8                ;RPM limiter   E8=9973 RPM     Alterable!!
             BTFSS   STATUS    , C
             GOTO    Label_0012
             MOVF    0x25      , W
             ADDLW   0x10
             MOVWF   0x21
             MOVLW   0x00
             BTFSC   STATUS    , C
             ADDLW   0x01
             MOVWF   0x22
             MOVF    PCLATH    , W 
             MOVWF   0x20
             CALL    Label_0006
             MOVWF   0x23
             MOVF    0x20      , W
             MOVWF   PCLATH
             MOVF    0x23      , F
             BTFSC   STATUS    , Z
             GOTO    Label_0007
 Label_0008  NOP
             NOP                        ;RETLW value(0x23 registers) x 25uS=22 NOP    Alterable!! 
             DECFSZ  0x23      , F
             GOTO    Label_0008
 Label_0007  MOVLW   0x03
             XORWF   GPIO      , F      ;Output: GP1, 
             MOVLW   0xD8               ;Output reverse: GP0,
             MOVWF   0x26                   
 Label_0009  NOP                        ;Output time(dwell):(3NOP)6uS x 0x26 registers ((D8=216)x6=1296uS)
             DECFSZ  0x26      , F 
             GOTO    Label_0009
             MOVLW   0x03               ;Output: GP1, 
             XORWF   GPIO      , F      ;Output reverse: GP0,
 Label_0012  CLRF    0x24
             CLRF    0x27               ; TMR0 overflow registers(0x27) clear
             MOVLW   0xA0
             MOVWF   INTCON             ;interrupt Initialization 
             GOTO    Label_0003
             GOTO    Label_0001
             ORG     0x2007
             DATA    33C4               ;Config Bytes
Old 08-28-2011, 09:13 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

I am working, my time is not enough.
I got a small engine.
I am writing about the experience.

Old 09-15-2011, 09:18 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Working on the cdi board schematic and parts layout for the pcb. Soon will be posted for downloading.

Old 10-01-2011, 11:06 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Another new item being added in the lineup is a small static timing light to go between the hall and ignition..Works with mine and also C&H and Rcexl.. Boards available etched and drilled with parts as a DIY kit. You supply wires and connectors.

Old 10-01-2011, 11:31 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Wat is next new item you make, batteryholder ?
I do not need the items, i need schematic and pcb.
Old 10-05-2011, 07:17 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Since we can no longer post pictures or files reliably on RCU, I looked for another public access area to do this.
There is a program called Drop Box which I will try to use. Testing it today and if it does work as intended, the schematics and parts layout files will be posted there in either Zip format or PDF format if I can. RCU used to be easy to work with, but lately it seems that their server has slowed to a crawl, making it a real pain to even log on. If it is repaired at a later date, posting can be resumed. I have numerous pictures, videos and text files to add to this forum but have held back for 2 main reasons.
First was the file upload problem, and then the derogatory comments from some forum subscribers. Hopefully the latter has ceased, thanks to the moderator.
I will post the link today for my Drop Box location. Hope this works!

First link is for a PDF file to etch my CDI board..should be the correct size as is..
Second link is for the hand drawn schematic with parts list for the cdi board
Third link is the parts layout for the board. Jmp is a jumper at those locations for +power and -ground.
Old 10-05-2011, 01:57 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Let me know if the links in the above post are working.. If so, I'll add more.

This link is to a PDF file of the original construction article which appeared in RCM magazine. Alot is explained in this reprint article which would have taken me alot of time to retype.
Old 10-07-2011, 05:45 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

This is the CDI mini LED timing light. There are only 4 parts on the board, easy to construct on perfboard or a PCB.
Resistor R-1 is a 1k ohm 1/8 watt. R-2 can be a 370 or 470 ohm 1/8 watt. Q1 is a common 2n3904 or even a 2n2222 transistor.
The LED is anything you have on hand that is bright enough to see in daylight, preferably red...I used bright yellow.
This circuit plugs inbetween your hall sensor and the ignition module. Works on CH, Rcxel, and my CDI. Does not allow the plug to fire but shows you when the magnet is under the hall sensor. Rotating the engine in the direction it normally runs will light the Led when the sensor is triggered by the magnet. It will stay on until the magnet leaves the sensor, and at this point where the light goes out is where your timing is set to fire.

Old 10-08-2011, 06:02 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

All links appear to be working ok. Nice work on the small boards. How do you do your toner transfer for your boards?
Just that it looks to be a very fine finish. Saw an article here a while back on converting an A4 laminator for toner transfer on PC boards. The particular model is not available anymore and so I went in search of a replacement. Found one at Officeworks here in Australia, stripped it down and looked at possible ways of converting it and saw it was a possible replacement. Presently away from my workshop for a few months, and yesterday I see another article and they have used the model I selected.

Website for anyone wanting to take a look. They have other interesting articles there as well.
Old 10-08-2011, 06:23 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi Bluejets, thanks for checking the links. I appreciate it.
My toner transfer method is easy. I use an HP Laser printer, and print on glossy photo paper, then iron it onto the pcb. Soak in water till the paper is saturated and peel off, ready to etch. Works great.

Old 10-09-2011, 03:32 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

I use HP laser printer as well after finding out that Brother toner does not re-fuse. Also heard about glossy photo paper but every one I tried has failed to release when soaked in water.
Presently use blue toner transfer paper but it can be rather expensive here in Australia.
Once I get back and do mods to the A4 laminator, hope to get some consistently good results.
Can you tell me what brand and/or part number for the paper?


Old 10-09-2011, 09:45 PM
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I have been using Royal Brights paper with good results as you can see. Also tried Epson photo paper, but it seems to have a waterproof vellum on the back that sticks to my iron. In order to use it, after printing I split it apart at a corner and peel it off before ironing. Works really well that way since it is then only half thickness, allowing heat transfer very quickly of the toner. It comes off easily with a 5 minute soak in warm water. Hope that method works for you.

Old 10-10-2011, 05:32 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Ok...Royal Brites paper doesn't seem to be available here and with both Royal Brites and Epson, there are about 10 different types of glossy photo paper.
I have tried some in the past that people have recommended, and as the exact same type was not available, I settled for what the sales people said was "the same thing". However, did not work at all.
Could you be a bit more specific with the paper number?
Old 10-11-2011, 05:53 PM
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I wish I could give you an item number but I have bought a number of Epson printers over the years and this paper was in the sample starter pack from those printers. Just a ploy to get you to buy their products I presume. The best stuff I ever used came from a computer show, was cheap so I bought some. Had it for at least 10 years in a box until we moved to this house last year. No brand name on the box.

Old 10-27-2011, 11:46 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

My new designed combo board (ignition & timer).

Picture link.

Old 10-27-2011, 05:09 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Nice work...especially like the neat job on the torroid. All working ok now....????
I will be back in Aus in a few weeks so if you need a hand with the schematic, drop a line.
Old 10-28-2011, 08:25 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi Jeff.
Yes, everything works beautifully for me now. I really like winding the toroids, kind of relaxing and it gives me a sense of pride to be able to make everything myself and then have it all work so well makes me smile. I love hearing that first spark from each and every unit I build. If I could only do one thing till I die, this would be it!

Could you please PM me with your postal mailing address? I want to send you one of these new boards. I also will email you the file I made of the schematic for you to rearrange making it easier to view for forum users wanting to give it a try. I realize now that there aren't many people interested in my DIY ignition, but on the odd chance there are some individuals who are interested in it, I want to make it as easy as I can for them. My aim is not to be in competition with anyone trying to make an honest dollar in this area of the hobby. All I am trying to do is provide a good working design, easy to build and have something that is completely repairable.

Thanks for the reply...
Old 10-29-2011, 09:48 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi John,
Verry, verry nice job,
A simple and ,i suppose, a stabile CDI.
Can you verify max. working RPM ? (w/o software limitation).
Please post the pdf file.

Best Regards,
Old 10-30-2011, 09:54 AM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi Dino.
At the present time the software limitation for top RPM is set at 9973. It is alterable in the source code however. We must ask Nyemi to raise it to whatever you will need it to be and then it will have to be recompiled to a new hex file.
My neighbor and I are going to make a few changes to it also, so when we have the new edited source code it will be posted for sure. I'm looking forward to getting this done also, since I have at least 24 of these timer boards ready for the new updated hex file. I know that some users require it to function up to 20,000 RPM. This is one of the goals I hope to accomplish. My CDI ca handle the increase in RPM easily since I have tested it past 25,000 RPM and it still functioned well. It is only the timer software holding it back. As I tested on most of my converted weedeater engines, they never go past 9,000 rpm so it was fine for them.

I would suspect boaters and some R/C car hobbyists being the high RPM requirement crowd, would benefit from the change and I also have a few of those models. Nyemi, if you are reading this post and can you make the higher RPM change for us, please let us know when you are able to find the time for this much needed update.
Old 11-08-2011, 11:24 PM
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Default RE: CDI gr8flyer55

Hi John
I congratulate you. Your building ignition.
Great job.

High RPM=High Spark
I adapted, 400V inverter.

Spark energy:75-100mJ
No, overheating components.
Inverter Efficiency: 88-90%
Wide supply voltage range:7-14V
Zero Voltage Switching .

Small number of turns in transformer.
Little money, transformers
I works perfectly.I will help you after the building.
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