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52larry52 04-07-2012 07:33 PM

good service from AMA
Good service from AMA. Three days ago (thurs AM) I called AMA to request a replacement membership card. The nice lady on the other end of phone in Indiana assured my that she would put a replacement card in the mail that day>>>>>>Well guess what, she did and I recieved it today's mail (Saturday). Only 3 days, that's good service!!! Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway, I want to give them an "attaboy", or should it be an "attagirl" this time?

littlecrankshaf 04-07-2012 08:24 PM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: 52larry52

Good service from AMA. Three days ago (thurs AM) I called AMA to request a replacement membership card. The nice lady on the other end of phone in Indiana assured my that she would put a replacement card in the mail that day>>>>>>Well guess what, she did and I recieved it today's mail (Saturday). Only 3 days, that's good service!!! Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway, I want to give them an ''attaboy'', or should it be an ''attagirl'' this time?
Yep, AMA’s membership service is excellent.

BTW how long have you been a life member? Do you also give extra donations every year?

52larry52 04-07-2012 08:57 PM

RE: good service from AMA
NOT a life member, NO donations, NO reason for me to "kiss up" to AMA, I just believe in giving the often unthanked workers a compliment when they deserve it. I stand by what I said. Good job on this one AMA!!

KidEpoxy 04-08-2012 07:26 AM

RE: good service from AMA

Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway, I want to give them an "attaboy", or should it be an "attagirl" this time?
really Larry?
You couldnt give a compliment to the fine job the staff does
without dropping in a blatant insult to non-members?

Maybe, just maybe folks you insult would badmouth your group less
if you didnt feel the need to turn a compliment of others into an insult of them.
Thats just a theory I have: Insult them less and they insult you less.

We could have had such a nice thread
talking about how Ilona and crew are likely cyborgs sent back from a future AMA-
They perform member services at levels way above what humans are capable of.
But no,
we have yet another thread with needless junk attacks in it, starting with post number... uh... one

52larry52 04-08-2012 09:19 AM

RE: good service from AMA
If the shoe fits, then wear it!!

Silent-AV8R 04-08-2012 09:50 AM

RE: good service from AMA


We could have had such a nice thread
talking about how Ilona and crew are likely cyborgs sent back from a future AMA-
They perform member services at levels way above what humans are capable of.

Just FYI - Ilona does not work in membership services. That group is headed by Shawn Grubbs who is the Membership Director. Ilona Maine is the Director of Safety and Member Benefits. Both people do a great job, but credit where credit is due. It was Shawn's people who helped the OP in this case.

KidEpoxy 04-08-2012 01:35 PM

RE: good service from AMA
I just assumed anyone doing good work in muncie
must somehow be associated with Ilona :D

Red Scholefield 04-08-2012 03:46 PM

RE: good service from AMA


Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway, I want to give them an ''attaboy'', or should it be an ''attagirl'' this time?
really Larry?
You couldnt give a compliment to the fine job the staff does
without dropping in a blatant insult to non-members?

Maybe, just maybe folks you insult would badmouth your group less
if you didnt feel the need to turn a compliment of others into an insult of them.
Thats just a theory I have: Insult them less and they insult you less.

We could have had such a nice thread
talking about how Ilona and crew are likely cyborgs sent back from a future AMA-
They perform member services at levels way above what humans are capable of.
But no,
we have yet another thread with needless junk attacks in it, starting with post number... uh... one
Why is it there can't be a post where you perceive non-members are being insulted and then making it another KE crusade while at the same time low shots and your junk attacts are taken at AMA members, clubs and officers as if it were your gaol in life to denigrate the organization.

52larry52 04-08-2012 06:43 PM

RE: good service from AMA
Thanks Red, I had a wonerful Easter Sunday and I hope you did too. My family and I celebrated Easter last night so that left this beautiful Georgia spring weather to be enjoyed at.......where else, my AMA club's flying field. I got to fly 3 airplanes that had been pushed to the back of my hanger and not flown and enjoyed in 3 years. I, like most, keep adding newer and larger planes to the air force and then ignore some oldies but goodies. I dug out my Rascal 40, my 1/5 scale NE-1 Cub, and my classic De Bolt Live Wire Champ. Fun,fun,fun. All good flying models. Yes, life is good, my cup is half full not half empty. Maybe more than half full, somewhere around three quater full I think. I hope all my fellow AMA modelers and non AMA modelers got to enjoy the day as much as I did. It sure beats going thru life bitter and hatefull. Have a blessed day.

52larry52 04-08-2012 06:58 PM

RE: good service from AMA
Oh, and I forgot to mention....I was so excited be the heading to my AMA flying field on this beautiful day, that I stuck my 2012 AMA decal on my truck window before I left. My truck is red but the baby blue AMA "get the bug" sticker looks quite handsome on it. AMA included another sticker with my repalcement membership card so the least I could do was stick it on the truck.

littlecrankshaf 04-08-2012 09:16 PM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: 52larry52

Oh, and I forgot to mention....I was so excited be the heading to my AMA flying field on this beautiful day, that I stuck my 2012 AMA decal on my truck window before I left. My truck is red but the baby blue AMA ''get the bug'' sticker looks quite handsome on it. AMA included another sticker with my repalcement membership card so the least I could do was stick it on the truck.
Better watch out! You might have a convertible full of good looking ladies follow you to the flying field. Nothing says macho like model airplanes... and even more so when they find you belong to an organized group of guys...:D

KidEpoxy 04-08-2012 09:41 PM

RE: good service from AMA

where you perceive non-members are being insulted and
I perceive?
Are you kidding me? Thats the best you can do
... that calling folks cheap is only an insult in KE's perception?

(I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues)
lets test your theory Red,
Let's see if calling Red cheap is 'perceived' by Red to be an insult

I think maybe Red Scholefield is a cheap guy.

now Red can prove that calling folks cheap isnt really an insult,
its only an insult in KE's perception
.... a perception that Red seems not to share
... resulting in no insult to Red in Reds eyes when we call him cheap

No harm no foul when folks say Maybe Red is a cheap guy, right Red?

Or is the term cheap insulting when its used on you
but not insulting when slung at folks you dont like?
Guess its how one perceives it eh?

littlecrankshaf 04-09-2012 07:06 AM

RE: good service from AMA

It is perfectly fine when the AMAers enumerate how Non-AMAers are cheapskates and unsafe... Paying the ”dues" to AMA of $58 a year automatically makes you a safe flyer and not a cheapskate... This forum has been over this again and again...When are you going to learn that???

Red Scholefield 04-09-2012 11:07 AM

RE: good service from AMA



where you perceive non-members are being insulted and
I perceive?
Are you kidding me? Thats the best you can do
... that calling folks cheap is only an insult in KE's perception?

(I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues)
lets test your theory Red,
Let's see if calling Red cheap is 'perceived' by Red to be an insult

I think maybe Red Scholefield is a cheap guy.

now Red can prove that calling folks cheap isnt really an insult,
its only an insult in KE's perception
.... a perception that Red seems not to share
... resulting in no insult to Red in Reds eyes when we call him cheap

No harm no foul when folks say Maybe Red is a cheap guy, right Red?

Or is the term cheap insulting when its used on you
but not insulting when slung at folks you dont like?
Guess its how one perceives it eh?

I'll just let the people that know KidEpoxy and Red Scholefield make the call on this.

Sport_Pilot 04-09-2012 12:11 PM

RE: good service from AMA
I sometimes fail, but trying to ignore the troll.  Suggest others do the same.

804 04-09-2012 01:07 PM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: Sport_Pilot

I sometimes fail, but trying to ignore the troll. Suggest others do the same.
which one?[8D]

JW0311 04-09-2012 09:16 PM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: 52larry52

Good service from AMA. Three days ago (thurs AM) I called AMA to request a replacement membership card. The nice lady on the other end of phone in Indiana assured my that she would put a replacement card in the mail that day&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;Well guess what, she did and I recieved it today's mail (Saturday). Only 3 days, that's good service!!! Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and<u> don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues)</u> Anyway, I want to give them an "attaboy", or should it be an "attagirl" this time?

As a non AMA flyer, I took that as an insult. Just my opinion; however, when you posted that you hoped AMA and non-AMA flyers enjoyed the beautiful day, I thought that was great. I can't help but wonder if the last wasn't posted to cover up the first post. Hmmm...... Thoughts from a nobody.


KidEpoxy 04-10-2012 06:10 AM

RE: good service from AMA
As a non-AMA flyer tell us-

If that part you bolded wasnt there in the the first place,
what would you opinion of the post / threadstart be?

Would you feel any need to say something bad about the AMA over it being posted?

littlecrankshaf 04-10-2012 08:26 AM

RE: good service from AMA


As a non-AMA flyer tell us-

If that part you bolded wasnt there in the the first place,
what would you opinion of the post / threadstart be?

Would you feel any need to say something bad about the AMA over it being posted?
It would have been nice and a totally different thread if the OP had just posted something good about AMA’s great service without taking a shot at modelers that aren’t AMA members.

init4fun 04-10-2012 09:09 AM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: littlecrankshaf


As a non-AMA flyer tell us-

If that part you bolded wasnt there in the the first place,
what would you opinion of the post / threadstart be?

Would you feel any need to say something bad about the AMA over it being posted?
It would have been nice and a totally different thread if the OP had just posted something good about AMA’s great service without taking a shot at modelers that aren’t AMA members.

[8D] I also believe that the compliment to the AMA didn't need the baggage of the non member slap . The AMA done good . Great ! ..... Why bring a negative into that by bringing anything else into the post ? Rather than dirty an attaboy thread with other matters , I'd rather see the OP make a Kudos to the AMA thread , and then another thread about non members if he felt they should or need to be a topic for discussion .

I just fail to see what the topic of non members has to do with the great service we as members are getting , and don't think the two topics should be wrasslin for elbow room in the same thread , that's all .... ;)

Bozarth 04-10-2012 10:56 PM

RE: good service from AMA

ORIGINAL: 52larry52

Good service from AMA. Three days ago (thurs AM) I called AMA to request a replacement membership card. The nice lady on the other end of phone in Indiana assured my that she would put a replacement card in the mail that day>>>>>>Well guess what, she did and I recieved it today's mail (Saturday). Only 3 days, that's good service!!! Thank you AMA. I for one am glad to be an AMA member and don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway, I want to give them an ''attaboy'', or should it be an ''attagirl'' this time?

I would hope you would be "glad to be an AMA member" for a better reason than getting a replacement card in "only 3 days." You should join my credit union - they gave me change for a dollar bill on the first visit with no questions asked!


scale only 4 me 04-11-2012 08:03 AM

RE: good service from AMA
It's truly amazing even the most benign complement can be twisted to negative meaning,, No wonder so few post their opinions here

Bozarth 04-11-2012 08:34 AM

RE: good service from AMA
I think most who commented did not find that it was a "benign complement".


scale only 4 me 04-11-2012 08:49 AM

RE: good service from AMA
People see what they want to see

Bozarth 04-11-2012 09:07 AM

RE: good service from AMA
I guess you didn't see:

".....don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway......."


Red Scholefield 04-11-2012 09:19 AM

RE: good service from AMA


I guess you didn't see:

''.....don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway.......''

And I don't see why people that are so down on the AMA hang around AMA forums to hassle AMA supporters. Is this a more important aspect of their hobby than discussing modeling, flying, building and a myriad of related subjects? It doesn't seem to accomplish much other than satisfy some personal egos, "I guess I told them!" Belonging and postively supporting the AMA is a personal thing, just like joining a club. There are those that will, and contribute and there are those that won't and feel compelled to justify why . . . as if it really mattered.

Bozarth 04-11-2012 09:32 AM

RE: good service from AMA


scale only 4 me 04-11-2012 02:09 PM

RE: good service from AMA


I guess you didn't see:

''.....don't understand why some flyers won't join and/or bad mouth AMA. (I think maybe they are just too cheap to pay the dues) Anyway.......''

Yes,, I saw it,, and he definitely was venting and asking for an argument to ensue, that part of his post was not needed IMO, and fair game to criticize,, but in your previous post you even twist and diminish his complement of the AMA,, that's what I was referring to.

JW0311 04-11-2012 02:30 PM

RE: good service from AMA
For those of you that belong to the AMA, I salute you. There are reasons that I do not. As Red stated, belonging to the AMA is a personal thing. I believe not belonging is as well. Having said that, I will not get on here and " bash the AMA" if I will not be bashed for not belonging, as I believed was the case with the original post. Hope all of you have a great day.


JW0311 04-11-2012 02:47 PM

RE: good service from AMA
I'm sorry Kid that I didnot address your question in my last post. If the comment about non-AMA members had not been made, I would have thought that Larry was pleased with the service that he had recieved and no more; however after the non-AMA comment, I can't help but wonder if his intentions were to use the good service comment to suppport his non-AMA comment. In other words, his intent was to slam non-AMA flyers and simply used getting his card quickly as an excuse to post it. Just my thoughts.


KidEpoxy 04-13-2012 05:55 AM

RE: good service from AMA

You should join my credit union - they gave me change for a dollar bill on the first visit with no questions asked!
Look how easy it was for a compliment to be made about his CU
without him adding in a bash of BankCEOs or wallstreet or whatnot.

If you want to say something nice about something,
you can skip the insults without diminishing your compliment.
How he feels about wallstreet has nothing to do with how helpful his CU is.

Because the OP didnt skip the insult,
very few people are discussing the great job done by some staffers,
and instead the usual partisan bickering ensued of the unnecessary insult in post1
(to include folks even choosing to pretend there was no insult when folks are called 'cheap')

Actually, looking back...
was the only post that was ~less than positive~ about the service
by a Member rather than a non-member?

Does that mean AMA members are thought to be cheap too
because they too 'bad mouth' the AMA?
After all, its all about judging a group by a few examples, right?

scale only 4 me 04-13-2012 11:23 AM

RE: good service from AMA

Bozarth 04-13-2012 11:46 AM

RE: good service from AMA
Scale models have that effect on all of us....


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