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dbateman 10-16-2005 05:36 PM

Super Sabre Video Question
Circa 1960's the movie X-15 with Charles Bronson has a scene in it that shows An F-100 chase plane attempting to land with full afterburner malfunctioning. It's an amazing piece of footage and ends in the destruction of the aircraft. None of my local video stores have the movie. Does anyone know how to locate these obscure movies or where that crash footage came from? Thanks Doug

Thor84 10-16-2005 09:02 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
the challenge of flight video set has the super saber crash ur referring to ... and the super saber had a wicked way of punishing the pilot if he got to slow and had to abort a landing .....

the crash u r thinking of is a failed aborted landing .. the afterburner wasnt malfunctioning .... and when that happens people call it the sabre dance

multicasting 10-16-2005 10:45 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question


the challenge of flight video set has the super saber crash ur referring to ... and the super saber had a wicked way of punishing the pilot if he got to slow and had to abort a landing .....

the crash u r thinking of is a failed aborted landing .. the afterburner wasnt malfunctioning .... and when that happens people call it the sabre dance
You got that right! That was an early test flight and the pilot died in that crash. It's amazing how long that guy held the aircraft, but it was a matter of time. The F-100 didn't have enough thrust to climb out of that high alpha situation, and the pilot tried to save it rather than punch out. I am a little suprised that the term "saber dance" seems unknown to so many RC pilots these days. Twenty years ago, everyone knew what that meant.


B58 10-21-2005 02:00 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
That clip was shown in tech school at Chanute when I went through there in 1966. It was a result of a pair of pliers being left in the inlet. The engine, a J-57 if I remember right, was damaged, and the result was the accident you saw. On take off I think. The flame out the tailpipe was a result of the engine coming apart. I also remember that the seat would only work above 300 feet? Think that was right. My 2 cents.

Glacier Girl 10-21-2005 03:51 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
Your movie is availible here.

multicasting 10-21-2005 07:32 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question


That clip was shown in tech school at Chanute when I went through there in 1966. It was a result of a pair of pliers being left in the inlet. The engine, a J-57 if I remember right, was damaged, and the result was the accident you saw. On take off I think. The flame out the tailpipe was a result of the engine coming apart. I also remember that the seat would only work above 300 feet? Think that was right. My 2 cents.
It's interesting to hear how many different ways that accident happened. I have heard it was an inexperienced pilot, a test flight early in the program, just regular pilot error, but I had never heard of FOD. I'll add that one as well. The test flight explanation seemed plausible given the video I have seems to be taken in the desert.

I am actually suprised that I can find the video or a still of this infamous flight.

Thor84 10-22-2005 11:14 AM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
from the video set i have ... there were no pliers ..they were testing low speed aborts and the pilot happened to get the nose up to high when he brought the power up ....also the crash that ive seen on video was the first for the f-100 super sabre

h-ray-RCA 10-23-2005 02:05 AM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question

Yet another version....


Sabre dance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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This article is about the uncontrollable upward movement of the F-86 Sabre - for the Khachaturian music: see Sabre Dance

Sabre Dance is the name given to a particularly dangerous behaviour of swept wings, which became apparent in the USAF with the introduction of the F-86 Sabre. When a swept wing starts to stall the outermost portions tend to stall first. Since these portions are behind the center of gravity, the overall lift force moves forward, pitching the nose of the aircraft upwards. This leads to a higher angle of attack and causes more of the wing to stall, making the problem worse. A large number of aircraft were lost to this problem on landing, leaving the plane tumbling down the runway.

The most notorious incident was the loss of F-100C-20-NA Super Sabre 54-1907 during an attempted emergency landing at Edwards AFB, California on January 10, 1956 which was caught by film cameras set up for an unrelated test. The pilot fought to retain control as he rode the edge of the flight envelope, but fell off on one wing, hit the ground, and exploded with fatal results.

Thor84 10-23-2005 08:46 AM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
and thats the text book defintion of it ... which is what u saw in that movie u were referring to

wahoo 10-23-2005 09:11 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question

multicasting 10-23-2005 10:27 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question

I don't think that was a saber dance. That looked like a Griepen (I think it is a Saab Griepen) on a botched landing. A saber dance is a lot more hairy and last somewhat longer.

Thor84 10-24-2005 05:58 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
the sabre dance is really cool to watch if u dont think about the fact that the pilot will die ... cause i dont think there has been any recoveries ...well flying recoveries ... if i recall correctly the only way to live through that is to punch out

dbateman 10-24-2005 06:24 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
I ordered the dvd from best buy,X-15 great docudrama and inflight footage. Chas. Bronson buys it in the sabre dance. I wanted my son to see this film since the X-15 pilots where the first men into what I consider space, pre-mercury!!!!! The whole early test flight thing was so gutsy!!. Anybody recommend some good books, any of the older stuff, century series test etc.? Thanks,Doug

multicasting 10-25-2005 11:24 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question

There are reports of pilots in F-16s dancing all the way down the runway and finally recovering. I wonder if the FBW has anything to do with that.

Thor84 10-26-2005 08:42 AM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
the only video ive seen on the f-16 was a high speed taxi test where the plane unexpectedly took flight and it was kinda like a sabre dance .... but i dont think that the fbw had anything to do with it

multicasting 10-26-2005 06:35 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question


the only video ive seen on the f-16 was a high speed taxi test where the plane unexpectedly took flight and it was kinda like a sabre dance .... but i dont think that the fbw had anything to do with it


Thor84 10-28-2005 08:06 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question
im not sure which part im supposed to watch
???? lol

jimcork1 03-19-2006 01:49 PM

RE: Super Sabre Video Question


That was an early test flight and the pilot died in that crash. It's amazing how long that guy held the aircraft, but it was a matter of time. The F-100 didn't have enough thrust to climb out of that high alpha situation, and the pilot tried to save it rather than punch out. I am a little suprised that the term "saber dance" seems unknown to so many RC pilots these days. Twenty years ago, everyone knew what that meant.

I had a friend who saber danced a T38 on landing as #4 in a 4 ship formation landing. The bird pitched up and he hit full AB. He was able to recover because he was minimum fuel. After the flight I asked why he didn't punch out. His answer, "I had both hands on the stick pushing forward to get the nose down and everytime I tried to move one hand to eject it tried to roll over on it's back so I held on for the ride". So it is possible the F100 driver was holding on to prevent higher pitchup but he was too heavy and too little power to recover. Just another opinion based on actual happening. Selma AFB 1970 B Flight. Class of 70-04 Sember Uptitus Jim

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