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kec 12-22-2003 12:45 PM

6EXA and dual elevator servos
Can a 6EXA drive two servos and provide unique trim and End point adjustments?

If the 6EXA cannot, which transmitter can?

Thanks in advance,

Bax 12-23-2003 04:51 PM

RE: 6EXA and dual elevator servos
While you can use the one free mixer on the 6EXA to operate two elevator servos, the elevator trim won't affect both servos...only the one on the elevator channel. Even the 6X doesn't offer this feature. You have to get an 8U or 9C to get the trim of the master channel to operate the slave channel. You do that by turning TRIM ON in the mixer.

For lower-level systems, your best option is a reversing Y-connector. This allows you to put both elevator servos on one channel and have them move in the correct direction so that the control's mechanical geometry is correct.

FUTM4150 SR10 DUAL SERVO REVERSER $49.99---This will allow you to adjust the direction and center of one of the two servos, and still have them operate off the same channel of the receiver.

FUTM4155 MSA10 SERVO SYNCHRONIZER $79.99--This will allow you to adjust the direction, centering, and endpoints of up to four servos operating off a single channel.

See the Futaba Web site for more information. These parts can be ordered through any hobby retailer who sells Futaba systems and accessories.

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