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-   -   O.S. 95 AX !!! (https://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/glow-engines-114/8787403-o-s-95-ax.html)

MrFollies 05-09-2010 06:23 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

ORIGINAL: Amir Assal
Today I bought this 2 stroke engine!
1.What fuel do you recommend that would be best for him?
2.What propeller for speed and force ?
3.what plug would be best for him?
I'm using between 10-15% nitro but really anything over 5% should be good. It depends on your location and weather.
Use a fully synthetic fuel as standard, but you might want to run a 5% caster blend at first to make sure the engine runs in OK. This is my personal preference.

I had lots of hassles with my engine which seem to be sorted now. I found that an OS F plug works best for me.
Try the default, if it runs reliably, then that's the one for you. If not try an OS A3 and if that is no good try the OS F.

I'm running an APC 15x6 and it's great, 14x7 and lower will bring up the speed at the cost of force. It depends on what sort of flying you want to do.

rcdude7 05-09-2010 08:10 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


The O.S. Max .95AX engine cannot peel...the liner is steel, and the piston has a ring.

The only liners that had issues with plating coming off are the old nickel-plated liners. About ten years ago, there was a difficulty with liners in the .45FX non-ringed engine. While very low in percentage of engines sold, the very large number of engines out there made the difficulty seem large (a small fraction of a large number is also a large number). O.S. changed the makeup of the liner, and the difficulty pretty much went away.

Yes, even now, some liners will have difficulties with the plating, but the number affected is well below a few tenths of a percentage point. Now, though, even if only one liner out of all the ones made had a difficulty, there would be a hue and cry that O.S. has a problem.

As it has always been, though, the vast majority of problems we see are not caused by how O.S. made the engines, but by how the engines are used by the modelers. That was the same, no matter what brand of engine we've serviced over the years, which included HP, OPS, Irvine, and others.

Oh brother[sm=spinnyeyes.gif] I had 4 of the .46fx peelers and they were repaired with magnum .46xls piston/liner sets. One of these engines was found out in the woods near my flying area. Probably hurled out there by an angry modeler. Suggesting problems like this are caused by the customers is a sure way to loose sales to the competition IMO.

fiery 05-09-2010 09:06 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I had exactly the same problem, same engine ... and same fix. Liner lost it's fit after 3 hours with a correct running-in, using castor in the lube package.

I put me off O.S two strokes. No more ABL for me.

Sorry ,,, drifting off topic here. I like that the .95AX is ringed in steel P&L, and therefore should have no problems in that regard.

Amir Assal 05-09-2010 09:40 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


ORIGINAL: Amir Assal
Today I bought this 2 stroke engine!
1.What fuel do you recommend that would be best for him?
2.What propeller for speed and force ?
3.what plug would be best for him?
I'm using between 10-15% nitro but really anything over 5% should be good. It depends on your location and weather.
Use a fully synthetic fuel as standard, but you might want to run a 5% caster blend at first to make sure the engine runs in OK. This is my personal preference.

I had lots of hassles with my engine which seem to be sorted now. I found that an OS F plug works best for me.
Try the default, if it runs reliably, then that's the one for you. If not try an OS A3 and if that is no good try the OS F.

I'm running an APC 15x6 and it's great, 14x7 and lower will bring up the speed at the cost of force. It depends on what sort of flying you want to do.

Thanks Amir

bluefronted 08-07-2010 03:45 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Hi Guys,

I'm from Johannesburgh , South Africa. We are at an altitude of around 1600m. My OS95 has around 15 flights on a Kyosho calmato 60. I'm using a Master Airscrew 14x8 prop on 5% Nitro. She does vertical climbs very well. With this prop you can bearly hear the engine, most manuvers are achieved with 50 to 60% throttle. I want to try a 14 x 6 and a 13 x 8 prop and she what she does. To add I also have an OS91 Fx with a 14 x6 prop on a Trainer 60. With this prop you can hear the engine rev big tim

NM2K 08-07-2010 05:08 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


ORIGINAL: Strykaas

Provided it does not peel...
The O.S. Max .95AX engine cannot peel...the liner is steel, and the piston has a ring.

The only liners that had issues with plating coming off are the old nickel-plated liners. About ten years ago, there was a difficulty with liners in the .45FX non-ringed engine. While very low in percentage of engines sold, the very large number of engines out there made the difficulty seem large (a small fraction of a large number is also a large number). O.S. changed the makeup of the liner, and the difficulty pretty much went away.

Yes, even now, some liners will have difficulties with the plating, but the number affected is well below a few tenths of a percentage point. Now, though, even if only one liner out of all the ones made had a difficulty, there would be a hue and cry that O.S. has a problem.

As it has always been, though, the vast majority of problems we see are not caused by how O.S. made the engines, but by how the engines are used by the modelers. That was the same, no matter what brand of engine we've serviced over the years, which included HP, OPS, Irvine, and others.

What can a user do to make the liner peel its plating, Bax? Or was that not what you were saying?

Ed Cregger

Bax 08-09-2010 09:18 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Usually, running the non-ringed engines too lean or otherwise getting a severe overheat will cause enough stress to damage the plating. A very, very few engines will actually have defects in the plating, itself.

NM2K 08-09-2010 01:23 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Thanks, Bax.

Ed Cregger

Pueo 09-12-2010 05:50 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I would like to add my 10 cents, since I just bought a new os95. The first new OS I've bought in about 10 years. At our flying field on Maui every Fx 25 and Fx 46 had the cylinders unplate. We were using the fx 25's on profile warbirds. I guess the .01 of 1 percent came here. Now I can't get my Fx 95 to keep from flaming out as soon as I throttle back in flight. That is on an Edge 540 that I took a great running Supertigre 90 off. I was hoping for more hovering performance and less vibration in my air frame. Tried all os glow plugs even F, which usually make any crappy engine run. Any one have a sugestion. I've already changed all the fuel system, no fuelers, filters or any varibles are in the system. Tried lean lowend and rich lowend same result.

NM2K 09-13-2010 06:02 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Bad fuel?

Ed Cregger

MrFollies 09-13-2010 06:30 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I found that most of my problems came from bad fuel. This engine (and I hear the 75ax) are really, really sensitive to even slightly bad fuel...

haisanjafri 10-01-2010 11:47 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Hi guys,

By this time you all must have had good info about ax engines. I am building a 72" trainer to train my son, and also wish to pull decent size banners behind it in airshows at our local club. I am considering;

OS 75 AX / Getting a slight used one at good price
OS 95 AX New available
OS 120 AX New available

What will be your economical and expert opinions?

Regards, Sunny.

SJN 10-01-2010 12:10 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I would get the 120 ;)

haisanjafri 10-01-2010 12:38 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


I would get the 120 ;)
After reading all these 6 pages, Iam thinking the same! Lemme check my savings, lets have 120? ;)

PapaT 01-25-2011 02:23 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I seem to be having the same problem on my Great Planes F4 Phantom Propjet.I took a great running os61fx( which Never quit in flight) off it and put the 95AX on it and have been miserable ever since fixing all the damage the dedstick (not making it to the runway)landings cause.It sounds like I'm not the only one having this problem.Is the only fix the addition of tinfoil heat shield?Or is this only a hot weather engine?

MrFollies 01-25-2011 04:20 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


I seem to be having the same problem on my Great Planes F4 Phantom Propjet.I took a great running os61fx( which Never quit in flight) off it and put the 95AX on it and have been miserable ever since fixing all the damage the dedstick (not making it to the runway)landings cause.It sounds like I'm not the only one having this problem.Is the only fix the addition of tinfoil heat shield?Or is this only a hot weather engine?

For what it's worth I fly at sea level and my winter mornings are never colder than 10 deg. celcius (50 deg F). Summers days are between 25-35 deg C (77 -95).
My engine runs better now than it used to but I still get one dead stick every 10 flights. Then I re-mix fuel, re-tune and things are good again for a week or so. This engine is VERY picky about the quality of the fuel and the performance of the plug.

In other words, it's not the cold weather that causes the problems, although I guess that could only make it harder.

griesel 01-25-2011 07:13 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
After I got them running and tuned the os 95AX did not dead stik.
What they did do was run poorly at 50% throttle. This got worse
with colder weather. Going to 20% nitro and changing the glo
plug made them run better. The tin foil treatment caused one
of them to over heat and I had to replace the ring.

PapaT 03-09-2011 05:07 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I have found the cure!!!!! I have been using 15% fuel and alot of differant glow plugs,Added a 4 oz.header tank and it would'nt stay running for a whole flight,until it was sugested to me to try a glow plug with an idle bar! I had one.What have I got to lose.I've tried everything else.I have now flown two weekends totaling 7 flights without a flame out ! Give it a try,it works for me here in california.

Amir Assal 06-04-2011 11:46 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
What prop will fit on the OS 95 for Maximum speed ?

PapaT 06-04-2011 04:15 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

rcdude7 06-04-2011 07:03 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

ORIGINAL: Amir Assal

What prop will fit on the OS 95 for Maximum speed ?

Just a guess here but i would try a 12X10 or 13X10 first........

MJD 06-04-2011 07:28 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

ORIGINAL: Amir Assal

What prop will fit on the OS 95 for Maximum speed ?

Without knowing the airframe that is like asking "how long is a line?"

PapaT 06-06-2011 03:47 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I have a lot of drag on my F4 phantom so I'm using a master air screw 13x8,Different manufactures props vary in performance. I've had good performance on other planes with Top flight's power point (or power tip) props giving me more top speed in flight.their wood props.Too much drag on a plane =slower flight no mater what prop you use it will still seem slow.A streamline plane would have a better top speed with a 13x10 or 14x10 topflight power point prop.Happy experimenting !

ORIGINAL: Amir Assal

What prop will fit on the OS 95 for Maximum speed ?

Amir Assal 06-06-2011 09:32 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

DarZeelon 06-07-2011 01:28 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


ORIGINAL: Strykaas

Provided it does not peel...

The OS Max .95AX engine cannot peel...the liner is steel, and the piston has a ring.

The only liners that had issues with plating coming off are the old nickel-plated liners. About ten years ago, there was a difficulty with liners in the .46FX non-ringed engine. While very low in percentage of engines sold, the very large number of engines out there made the difficulty seem large (a small fraction of a large number is also a large number). OS changed the makeup of the liner, and the difficulty pretty much went away.

Yes, even now, some liners will have difficulties with the plating, but the number affected is well below a few tenths of a percentage point. Now, though, even if only one liner out of all the ones made had a difficulty, there would be a hue and cry that OS has a problem.

As it has always been, though, the vast majority of problems we see are not caused by how OS made the engines, but by how the engines are used by the modelers. That was the same, no matter what brand of engine we've serviced over the years, which included HP, OPS, Irvine, and others.

The last OS engine I owned was a .46FX; probably a later version that had the ABL P+L set.
I never had a peeling problem with it and even the bearings lasted well.

I got it new and it only became a bit more difficult to start, after some 40 hours; not responding to hand-flipping and always requiring the electric starter.
I got a reasonably good price for it used, after a total of ~60 hours.

I cannot agree with you about the extent of the peeling problem, however...
The previous OS I had was a .40FP and it did peel its sleeve, over about 25% of the bore area.
I wrote about it to Clarence Lee and he told me to work the warranty, but I was beyond its effect.

This engine did run peeled; however, for over 30 hours more; but was eventually demolished in a crash.

Some other participants of this forum also had peeling problems with .61SF engines; namely Dave Dunn (Flyboy Dave); who posted some photos.
So, I would not say the peeling could be isolated only to some early .46FX engines.

RDaisy 07-04-2011 11:38 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

 Hello guys,

 I'm looking for a replacement engine instead of my old 91FX.

 I'm interested with the .95 but experiences seems to be very negative here.

Here's my question, is there someone happy with his OS .95 ??

Thanks !

scooterinvegas 07-04-2011 11:51 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Im VERY happy with mine. Maybe Im just lucky.

Wingspam 07-14-2011 06:10 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
My 95Ax just arrived and I quickly mounted in on my Hanger 9 Pulse and headed out to the flying field. I am strickly using this plane to break the motor in, after that I will be placing it on a Bruce Thorpe Delta Vortex. The Delta Vortex currently has a very old 91 Fx on it.

I am using 15% nitro and going with a mid range prop a 15x6 apc, I did the break in per the instructions as I have done with all 15 of my Os motors. The break in tank took all most 11 minutes of rich / lean running, the Pulse has a stock tank of 16oz. First start after the break-in tank the needle was set fairly rich, I was only getting 9100 rpms off the 15x6 prop. I did 3 flights with this prop and then changed to a 13x8 3 blade master airscrew prop, It tached at 14300 I backed it off to 13400 which kept it very rich. After about 9 minutes or so the motor sounded like it was 4 stroking like in the break in. I landed immediatly and and ran it up to full throttle again and I could not produce the 4 stroking sound again.

Any ideas on what would cause that?
New glow plug(came with motor) and a new bottle of fuel (broke the seal today at the field).



On both props the mid range was very rough.

Kostas1 07-14-2011 10:59 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
First of all,

you run a tank on the ground with a 15x6..ok....

But you cannot treat the engine like a *broken-in* engine and installing a prop that revs at 13k or 14k.....

That's my thought though and my oppinion.

If it was me,

i'd stay with the 15x6 and run another 2 tanks in the ground.
Then i'd test fly it with a rich setting and gradually lean the High Speed NV by small portions. http://www.spaceweed.com/check.jpg


DarZeelon 07-15-2011 03:43 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I like your very 'colorful' post, Kostas...


Kostas is right. One tank to break-in this ringed engine is insufficient.
Before break-in is complete, one cannot expect the engine to behave properly.

I know many people and web sites 'automatically' recommend completing the break-in in flight, for increased cooling... But I say do it all on the stand, using a 1" smaller diameter prop, than you intend to fly with.
You will run it just as cool, if not cooler; and you will be in full control of the mixture setting, for the whole time.

You will not have to set it extra rich, for the chance that it might go leaner on you during the flight... You're in control and you can just turn the needle right on the spot.

For this type of engine, 30-40 minutes on the ground is the bare minimum! Many would say a whole hour is even better.

Flying after just one tank is just letting your urge to fly take over.

freakingfast 07-15-2011 08:10 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

I's still breaking in so it's going to be weird at first, but dang, you got that thing wound out! A bit more prop perhaps?

tranquility bob 08-10-2011 11:47 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I had some good flying time with my new 95. I have six tanks full throught it. i just started having difficulty with flame outs. I checkedthe tank and found that it had too much (1 inch) fuel line in the tank. Secondly the mufller end cap which can be rotated was not seated properly. Once these two items were fixed i can run a full tank without a flame out. I will try the plug change if the flame out recurrs. I have mine attached to an escapade 61.

Ernie Misner 08-10-2011 07:42 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
A Pulse 60 would make a hot plane for it also!


s. wallace 08-21-2011 05:12 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I'm very happy with my 95AX, now in its second year of flying in an Aeroworks 60-90 size Yak 54. I've had many OS engines over the past 30+ years, expensive and not the most powerful available...but (at least for me) dead reliable. I go to the field to fly, not tinker and with my OS's I never do. 15-6 APC, OS #8 plug, 15% S&W fuel.

I had a 75AX and 91FX, sold them both and bought the 95 and have been quite happy. I had the 75 on several airframes, never performed as well as my OS 61SF in the same airframes.

This thread, at least early on, was all over the place...my 2 cents, the only OS I had peel was a 61RF in a pattern model with hatori pipe. I ran several RF's back in the day and I do think I must have run that one lean a few runs as none of my other engines 'peeled'. I never owned a 46FX and that was the one engine that really seemed to have a higher percentage of issues. My small glow of choice was the 50SX which was ringed.

Also, the Harley's I've owned dont leak, dont break down & look great [8D]

jessiej 08-21-2011 10:00 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

ORIGINAL: s. wallace
Also, the Harley's I've owned dont leak, dont break down & look great [8D]
I can say the same for my Harley. Some in the past, not so much. Then I have had some Britt Bikes (and cars) that could contend for the title of World's Largest Inland Oil Spill.[8D]


MrFollies 08-21-2011 04:09 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!

ORIGINAL: s. wallace

I'm very happy with my 95AX, now in its second year of flying in an Aeroworks 60-90 size Yak 54. I've had many OS engines over the past 30+ years, expensive and not the most powerful available...but (at least for me) dead reliable. I go to the field to fly, not tinker and with my OS's I never do. 15-6 APC, OS #8 plug, 15% S&W fuel.

I had a 75AX and 91FX, sold them both and bought the 95 and have been quite happy. I had the 75 on several airframes, never performed as well as my OS 61SF in the same airframes.

This thread, at least early on, was all over the place...my 2 cents, the only OS I had peel was a 61RF in a pattern model with hatori pipe. I ran several RF's back in the day and I do think I must have run that one lean a few runs as none of my other engines 'peeled'. I never owned a 46FX and that was the one engine that really seemed to have a higher percentage of issues. My small glow of choice was the 50SX which was ringed.

Also, the Harley's I've owned dont leak, dont break down & look great [8D]
I'm glad that you have had success with with engine. As my earlier posts indicate I have not been so fortunate. I have had probably a dozen or so glow engines all of which have been OS and all of which run as well as you mention (go to the field and fly). I did have a FS200 stick a valve on me once. That was a 20 minute fix.

This engine has been the exception.

I can make it run fine now. Always with the freshest fuel it seems to go ok. Sometimes it leans out on me in the air but I don't get the deadsticks that I used too. If I had to characterise the engine now I'd say "Reliable but VERY temperamental".

Two people I know of with 75AX's also say they are down on power (like you do) and one of them has similar engine problems as me.

At the end of the day, I am moving to gas and electric anyway so it's not so annoying for me anymore because until I sell it, this plane gets to the field about 3 times a year.

ABORH 08-21-2011 05:29 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
I have been asked to help with the reliability of this engine in an Aeroworks 60-90 size Yak. The problem is that it runs fine on the ground but after 4-7 minutes in the air it dies. We have tried the following:

Thinking it was running too hot, ran it without without the cowl
Thinking it was running to lean, made it a little rich.
Thinking there was too much tubing made the tank as close to the firewall as possible.
Thinking that it was not broken in ran a half gallon or 15% S/W fuel (it really runs well on the ground)
Thinking it was the glow plug, changed it to a new OS#8.
Thinking there might be an air leak changed the "O" ring in the needle valve.
Thinking there might be "something" in the fuel tank, re-plumbed it.
Thinking there might be a problem with the idle mixture, reset it and the engine idles beautifully.

I have not tried a "F" plug, but there are some that can make this engine run with an OS 8.
The fuel is fresh and runs well in all other engines I have.

In spite of this attention, the last time the plane was flown (4 times) the flights ended in a dead-stick landing.

I am not loyal to any engine manufacturer, having a variety of engines from OS (2 stroke and 4 stroke) Thunder Tiger (2 stroke and 4 stroke), Magnum (2 stroke and 4 stroke), YS, Saito and even a lovely HP 61. I use them as weight, power and aesthetics dictate. I can usually make them run very well. This one has me baffled. the engine has been sent to OS for evaluation. Should there be anything interesting that comes of it I shall be happy to share.

I think this is a beautiful engine and should be desirable if it can be reliable.

MrFollies 08-21-2011 09:35 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!


I have been asked to help with the reliability of this engine in an Aeroworks 60-90 size Yak. The problem is that it runs fine on the ground but after 4-7 minutes in the air it dies. We have tried the following:

Thinking it was running too hot, ran it without without the cowl
Thinking it was running to lean, made it a little rich.
Thinking there was too much tubing made the tank as close to the firewall as possible.
Thinking that it was not broken in ran a half gallon or 15% S/W fuel (it really runs well on the ground)
Thinking it was the glow plug, changed it to a new OS#8.
Thinking there might be an air leak changed the ''O'' ring in the needle valve.
Thinking there might be ''something'' in the fuel tank, re-plumbed it.
Thinking there might be a problem with the idle mixture, reset it and the engine idles beautifully.

I have not tried a ''F'' plug, but there are some that can make this engine run with an OS 8.
The fuel is fresh and runs well in all other engines I have.

In spite of this attention, the last time the plane was flown (4 times) the flights ended in a dead-stick landing.

I am not loyal to any engine manufacturer, having a variety of engines from OS (2 stroke and 4 stroke) Thunder Tiger (2 stroke and 4 stroke), Magnum (2 stroke and 4 stroke), YS, Saito and even a lovely HP 61. I use them as weight, power and aesthetics dictate. I can usually make them run very well. This one has me baffled. the engine has been sent to OS for evaluation. Should there be anything interesting that comes of it I shall be happy to share.

I think this is a beautiful engine and should be desirable if it can be reliable.

That sounds like the same symptoms and procedure I went through.
In the end, like I said, ultra fresh fuel, as well as running a LOT richer than you think you need on the needle and it seems to be running much better.

momo123 09-09-2011 03:40 AM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
dear flyers

i have my 95ax waiting for something special :). a 60 size world model warbird p-51-D petie 2nd.

would like to view opinions of fellow flyers out there. have a 14 by 6 xoar prop at the moment. will test it first in test bench and check the rpm .
can some one also guide me a way to find engine thrust? prior to mounting it on a plane.<br type="_moz" />

N1EDM 09-09-2011 03:52 PM

RE: O.S. 95 AX !!!
Hello Momo,

I have a 95AX but haven't gotten to run it yet. I was just wondering, though; wouldn't a 14x6 be a little under propped? I have an OIS-91FX that I'm easily running a 15x6 on right now. I am wondering if you might want a 16x6 for the 95AX. Just trying to stir the pot a little....


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