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Sharpy01 08-02-2005 02:09 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats


Here we go again… OLD POISON MOUTH Kenair and Sharpy01.

The TWO BEST reason that we have problem in MAAC!!

Both are against having NATIONALS for any reason.
People like this are the reason we have not had NATS in Canada.

Someone does something GOOD for MAAC and they are all over them.

They stand on the sidelines and poke, lie, and make fun of anyone that at lease tries to do something for MAAC.

Just take a look at the advatar Sharpy01 is using, it tells the hole story...

......eloquent as usual, Palmer.

Do you actually read any of the posts Palmer, or do you simply look at the name and pull out your "Guide to Sharpbashing" and chose your passages?

.......in a likely wasted effort to provide you with a morsel of education, my evil "advatar" is known as "Guy Fawkes" who is the international symbol for "Explosives Technicians" (bomb squad members) of which I am one.

Perhaps, this is another glaring example of my "hole story"?

Your inference is about as stupid as me suggesting your "Jabba" handle makes you a member of Al-Qaeda. Grab a brain.

jhelps 08-02-2005 09:51 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

Yet another thing we have in common ... I was a demolition instructor in a previous career.

Have a few friends who are DND BDT's and one has my favorite "T" shirt ... "I am a bomb disposal technician. If you see me running, try and keep up!!"

Seriously, everything I handled was a known quantity even the blinds, unlike IED's ... my hats off to you, especially in todays climate.



Sharpy01 08-03-2005 04:29 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
A good thing to have in common! :D

I haven't found where to get that T-shirt........yet.

as the saying goes, "There is no problem that can't be solved with the proper application of explosives." [sm=bananahead.gif]

.......oh, oh! Jabba will be adding that to my long list of character flaws. [X(]

jhelps 08-03-2005 05:16 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
here's a source


But this is the "T" shirt I was thinking of.



Sharpy01 08-03-2005 07:23 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
1 Attachment(s)
That's the one I was thinking of as well.

Perhaps, I will make up my own some day.........assuming I don't get blown up.

jhelps 08-03-2005 11:02 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
By the way check this out


I think there's a bit of crow being eaten.


ronnieo1 08-04-2005 06:24 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: jhelps

By the way check this out


I think there's a bit of crow being eaten.

>>>>>..and all the "ANTI-MAAC" buzzards are over here led by Heckle and Jeckle with each new topic......... caw caw

jhelps 08-04-2005 07:43 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Gee Ron

Not certain how my pointing out a thread can lead to being quoted as anti-MAAC. Also please have a look at any of my posts you would like and point out the "anti-MAAC" ones.

Oh well


Sharpy01 08-04-2005 07:44 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Don't bother Jeff.

as usual, Ronnieo has no real or understandable point......

I read the link. It comes down to the fact the "JABBA", who fancies himself some kind of an image manipulation expert, was dead wrong and can't admit to it. :eek:

.......the inability to admit mistakes seems to be a common character trait that binds that core group.

"....move along, nothing to see here...."

can773 08-04-2005 07:52 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: Sharpy01

Don't bother Jeff.

as usual, Ronnieo has no real or understandable point......

Maybe his point was to elicit a response from you guys......

Much like you were trying to do with this post, which has no real or understandable point....


ronnieo1 08-04-2005 11:07 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Chad...because they are so deeply in love with their own S**t, they really won't get the point.....and look at the top 6 or so topics...they really don't get that point that this is a total anti-MAAC area..and should be renamed as such..... or they would support it elsewhere...and Jeff certainly didnt redirect you to an intelligent topic on rccanada...he just wanted to add fuel to the " oh look what they are doing now over there" fire that resides here. Another typical Manitob runt that throws a stick and retreats wondering if it hit anyone. Amazing, you people are. You're right...move on..there is nothing to see here.

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 11:45 AM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: can773

ORIGINAL: Sharpy01

Don't bother Jeff.

as usual, Ronnieo has no real or understandable point......

Maybe his point was to elicit a response from you guys......

Much like you were trying to do with this post, which has no real or understandable point....



It's news related to MAAC. Pretty simple.

.........as for Ronnieo?

How can a person argue with such a well presented, informed and intelligent point of view. [&:]

Your correct Ron Harway, I am in deep. (I'm starting to get the feeling that these guys from Windsor don't like me too much?)

Sorry, Jeff, apparently Ron has also decided to not like you much either and has taken to poking at you on other sites as well. Man, Ron, you really need to take a step back and take a deep breath before you put fingers to keys. :eek:

ronnieo1 08-04-2005 12:53 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
I took a step back and see the same old..same old. We love ya down here...mention yer name and eveyone still rolls their eyes and shakes their heads[:-]. The same response comes to old Kenhead...but we are all used to the Anti-MAAC stance you guys have taken...same old..same old and thank god still a very small minority. Cheers.;)

can773 08-04-2005 03:08 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: Sharpy01

It's news related to MAAC. Pretty simple.

Ahhh indeed it is (and of little concern to 99% of MAAC members I suspect), and available for all to read in the MAAC Mag.....I just question the reason for the post other than to try and get "something" going.

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 03:08 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
OK Ron, I think we have the point that you don't like me because I have opinion that differs from yours at times. I'm shattered. [sm=frown.gif] .....but I'll try to go on. By the way, were you aware that this topic had come to a reasonable conclusion prior to you and Jabba stopping by to have your wee rants?

Regardless, let me just say that I think you are doing a wonderful job of depicting yourself as the moderate voice of reason within MAAC.

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 03:35 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: can773

ORIGINAL: Sharpy01

It's news related to MAAC. Pretty simple.

Ahhh indeed it is (and of little concern to 99% of MAAC members I suspect), and available for all to read in the MAAC Mag.....I just question the reason for the post other than to try and get "something" going.

.....your correct about the 99% thing, which is about the average for all interest in MAAC politics, which is the main reason for discussing MAAC politics here in the first place.........to raise some awareness. I doubt it will come as a shock to you that there are some out there who may not read the whole Mag, but may surf around and read some of this..........perhaps even a potential replacement?

There's not much to "get going"? It's just news.

ronnieo1 08-04-2005 04:01 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
MARC.... we've gone thru this before with the 2002 Worlds and to me it's just a continuation of that....it's just amazing that you guys are still sore after 3 years, and hope it happens again so that you can spend another six months ramblin about it to the 4% who really care whether it makes a dime or not. It still see nothing from you people to assist in any of the events, but lots of armchair criticism..and still no surprise to anyone. We still have the policewhistle saved for you for the parking lot from the Worlds that you never picked up....we may have to use it next weekend..but your invitation is still there.....and the toilet brush for the port-a-potties is still in the box for Hotair when he gets here.

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 05:59 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Below Ron, I've saved you the effort of looking back to the "practical end" of this thread because you obviously haven't read it. (it was the page previous)

As pointed out, I have no interest in any event failing, but I do have an interest if members (my) money is wasted or lost........as should all members.

I'm afraid it's your attitude that somehow, everyone, Must and should sacrifice something to attend a competitive event in which they(I) have little interest in that Causes your stress. There's plenty of good events around here, that I have an interest in participating in, that can use my attending/labour support. I have difficulty getting to many of the events here because of real life time eaters so there is little value in trying to travel 1200 miles to attend an event there...............that I have no passion for.

Do YOU get it, yet? [sm=tired.gif]

ORIGINAL: Sharpy01

Hey Ed. Far from immaterial......................but a moot point because after a second request, I did receive relevant information regarding the event. (Posted below)

The request of hard info/facts really shouldn't be passed off as "grumbling". An informed membership is potentially a more active membership. I have no interest in seeing the event fail because I am a "co-loser" if it does. I simply don't want to see any further big losses related to individual events. I wish life were as simple as, "take a day or two off work and attend and support the event", but it isn't and there are plenty of events around here in my interest area that need as much support as I can manage on my limited time off.

Regardless, the bottom line is that Director Shaw states that no association money is at risk and with that information, the total numbers attending/competing really doesn't matter to me at this point. Here's the bit I got and my follow-up response;


As of now there is NO seed money in our hands nor do we expect to need any. There are over 100 entrants to this point but Helli,Electric,and Sailplane events have been cancelled due to lack of entrants. Scale Aerobatics and Scale are the highest entrant events.
A full report will be in the MAAC Mag after the event.
Hope to see you there.
Gerry Shaw "



Confirming that "NO" association funds have been expended for this event, there is obviously no need for the requested budget information.

I appreciate your reponse and wish you good weather and good fun.

I'll look for the report in the mag.


Marc Sharpe"

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 07:28 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Hey Jeff:

I see you trying hard to reason with Ronnieo over there. Good luck.

By the way, you are an easy winner on that round. It's educational though because I'm starting to understand what my wife means when she tells me to quit before I dig my hole any deeper. Thanks for the lesson Ron. You may be contributing to my continued happy marriage and didn't even know it. :D

jhelps 08-04-2005 07:50 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: ronnieo1

Chad...because they are so deeply in love with their own S**t, they really won't get the point.....and look at the top 6 or so topics...they really don't get that point that this is a total anti-MAAC area..and should be renamed as such..... or they would support it elsewhere...and Jeff certainly didnt redirect you to an intelligent topic on rccanada...he just wanted to add fuel to the " oh look what they are doing now over there" fire that resides here. Another typical Manitob runt that throws a stick and retreats wondering if it hit anyone. Amazing, you people are. You're right...move on..there is nothing to see here.


"another Manitoba runt" ... if by that you are lumping me in with Marc (even though he resides in Ontario I assumed you meant the zone) ... that's OK I've been with worse company;

"Jeff certainly didn't redirect you to an intelligent topic on Rccanada" ... Agreed ... you were the predominant poster;

"anti-MAAC" ... check most of my posts and you'll see that my stance is good governance, I have disagreed with Marc, regularly disagree with Ken and usually seek the middle ground.

One other thing you will rarely see is a call to shut a sight or ban an individual .. mostly because I strongly believe in your right to voice your opinion regardless of whether or not I agree with it .. again unfortunately a courtesy that you do not give others.

Finally I have had enough of this east/west bashing and do intend to do something about it. I will be posting info on a new thread over the next few weeks under the heading the RJP Project as I am sick and tired of guys like you, Jabba, Propworn and others turning every open discussion which does not agree with your point of view into a personnal attack.

You think you've seen issues raise which impact MAAC ... you aint seen nothin yet!!!


jhelps 08-04-2005 08:36 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Well I think I've seen it all now!!

The same one who accused me of

" Another typical Manitob runt that throws a stick and retreats ..."

deleted the bulk of his last posts on the other site without explaination. Talk about throwing a stick and retreating !!!!
In all fairness Ron probably had a valid reason to withdraw his remarks, I just find it so cynical!!


Sharpy01 08-04-2005 09:20 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats

ORIGINAL: jhelps

In all fairness Ron probably had a valid reason to withdraw his remarks,

Yeah, they were stupid and didn't make any sense............maybe his wife read it and gave him one of those looks? [sm=tired.gif]

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 10:56 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
Actually Jeff, I'm now kind of ticked at you as well for posting that link because what I just read in there is disgusting.

Not only was JABBA plainly in the wrong regarding the suggesting that the photos were doctored, now his buddies come roaring to his defense and blanket smack "Aussies" and the last clown comes on with an ignorant comment that the photos weren't that good anyways.

That's just friggin embarrassing.

ON behalf of Canadian flyers, I'd like to apologize to any non-canuck flyers who strayed into that thread through the link and read that dribble. Please realize they are not representative of the vast majority. [&o]

Morison 08-04-2005 11:45 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
That'd be Kiwis not Ausies ... kinda like Canadians and americans or Scots sand English ...

Sharpy01 08-04-2005 11:56 PM

RE: 2005 MAAC Nats
...that would be Ronnioes quote.

I also apologize to the Kiwi's as well. Your welcome here fellas.

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