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tsmart 11-05-2002 12:00 AM

OMP edge prop change=tailslides.
Shows to go ya that you shouldnt believe everything you read. I was a real believer in the APC 12.25 prop. I fly a OS .50 SX on my edge (IMHO it doesnt produce measurably more power than the .46FX) And I say that because just on a lark, I put on a
12 x 4 zinger wood prop. Tailslides are now way, way easier. It got me thinking--look what the apc weighs; youre not gonna transition a big ole heavy prop as fast--you cant. I am finding much :D better throttle response; (I use a ball link at the carb for NO slop.) more control in hover; straight-line speed has not increased. No negatives at all doing every trick in the book. My whole point here is a LOT of folks flying edges fly the 12.25 and dont ask questions. You would be surprised to see just how much the prop you use affects what your plane can or cant do! Wish I would have tried the wood prop a year ago!

da king 11-05-2002 03:18 AM

OMP edge prop change=tailslides.
i never did like the 12.25x3.75 prop. try a 11x5 apc.good pull and response. i just cut down a zinger 12x4 to 11.5x4. havent tryed it yet. the 11.5x4 apc was to slow on response but pulled real good. the zinger 12x4 responed good but the motor wasnt pulling that good. im hoping the cut down zinger will work.
i never though about responce till i put it in a 1 ft hover. i learn real fast. any way good luck and let us know what you think.

PaulSwany 11-05-2002 07:02 AM

OMP edge prop change=tailslides.
I've been running the Zinger 11 x 4 on my Irvine .53 and my OS 50 sx... Man do I love them.... Really getting better throttle response and better spool up..... I'm a little afraid I might be over reving my engines... Maybe I should tack them? Ahh hell.... I'm having sooo much fun now, it'll be worth lunching a few engines.....

I'm running 10% nitro with 20% oil just to be safe....

da king 11-06-2002 02:12 PM

OMP edge prop change=tailslides.
paulswany is your plane real touchy in hover?? I tried that prop on my se and if i add one click of throttle it went up and one less it went down. I havent tried it on the profile yet. the 11.5x4 apc on the se was a rocket. On the profile it pulls great but the responce is too slow to get too low. The 12x4 zinger was good but the motor woulnt wind up enough(climbing flatspin doent climb) The last time i flew the profile i had a 11x5apc which gave me the best performance(till I get the 11.5x4 wood)let me know what you think.

bob_nj 11-07-2002 11:06 AM

Been there
You guys are right on with the wooden props and spool up time. It's imperative to have that safety margin available when you need the engine to save your butt :eek: da king brings up an interesting point, and one that hounded me for the longest time until I started using alternative methods to deal with it. Depending on the transmitter, on Futaba I solved the "one click up or down" problem experimenting with expo on the throttle curve. Depending on the plane/prop/wind conditions, it may take some "+" or "-" expo to deal with the problem. The bottom line is not to be adverse to trying and tweaking at the field. I take a box of props with me. There are some definite changes to be made based on weather conditions if you want to play around near the ground. If you have one of the JR transmitters with "Throttle Curve," that's the way to tweak your rpm. I've used these methods on my profiles as well as planes up to 40% with good results. You should be able to get a couple hundred rpm between clicks on the transmitter. I have a slew of Perry carbs and use the Cline alot too. I just give the engine what it wants and then go play ;)

da king 11-07-2002 02:09 PM

OMP edge prop change=tailslides.
thats one thing the futuba is missing. it has expo but no curve. i can plug the servo into another port and make a mix. the end resolt would be the same. just a little differnt. i would rather tune with props anyway. this way when the weather changes i just put a new prop on. cant beat $3 for a prop.
tsmart did you try some other props??? let us know.
have fun

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