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supamagician 04-26-2008 03:13 AM

electric r/c's
i dont want to make this another electric vs. nitro thread but why is it that electric SUCKS compared to nitro??? ive NEVER seen and electric off road race. i watched some farm bash vids. that is like the coolest thing ever but guess what?? i didnt see a SINGLE electric. i hate it because i have electric and when i want to go to the track, i have to call first to make sure theres not alot of people there because ive never seen another electric besides mine and i will just be in the way because my electric is like 12 times slower than their nitros

Bosley2 04-26-2008 03:51 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
Get a brushless system + lipos and you will definitely outrun all those nitro junkies

savtraxx 04-26-2008 04:13 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
yep and try to rephrane form making such a horrible heading
what car have you got?

supamagician 04-26-2008 04:19 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
well i thought about that but goin that fast and i just drive on my street, i wont have time to do anything. i will just save for a 1/8 nitro. i found one rtr (and that includes getting fuel glow igniter etc.) for less than 300. i will use that at the track and when me n my friends go to our bash spots. at first i was just going to use it on the weekends at the track but my step dad pointed out that it would be a waste of money because i will only use it every other weekend becuase the other weekends i wont be able to use it because my dad is a beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeep beeep beep beeep. lol. he wont do anything with me, much less take me to a track. i skateboarded for about 6 years and (im not even exagerating one bit) in all those years he took me to a skatepark TWICE. if i take it to my dads to use they will FORCE me to let my stepbrother drive it. i hate him.

a prime example. i used to take my xbox360 over there and wouldnt let my step brother play it because he hits and chews on the controllers. he tatled (and remember i saved my 400+ dollars to buy it) and they made me let him play and said that from now on, if i bring it over, i must STAY in the gameroom and ANYONE that wants to play it can play it and i cant say anything. ive never taken it over there since.

sorry for ranting its just when i get on the subject, i can go on FOREVER. lol

supamagician 04-26-2008 04:21 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
e-firestorm like i said though, i dont want brushless. i am currently saving to get a 12t motor and new esc

savtraxx 04-26-2008 07:05 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
cool man i got a lrp a.i waterproof esc im going to my lhs tomorrow to get a lrp 10 turn motor it was 140 now its 40!!!! i know it shouldnt be mentioned here but if IF it was me id tell my dad to get fu&^%* but thats my 0.02

TIGER76 04-26-2008 07:47 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
Most nitros run at over 30,000rpm so to average a decent brushed motor will need to be 12turns and under to reach that rpm only good thing about elecys the power is instant unlike nitros as they have to spool up speed.

Access 04-26-2008 08:27 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
You just need to find a different track. My track is 95% electric and it is the nitro guys who sometimes don't even get one race. Last race day there were 3 or 4 people doing nitro but none of them made it past the first qual. Every track is different, some are friendly to this and some are friendly to that, some neither. Things will continue to change, but, change takes time.

And there is no logical reason to stay away from brushless today. If you want to rant any more, maybe a blog is the thing for you, this place doesn't have much tolerance for that sort of thing.

happywing 04-26-2008 10:02 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
It sounds like it's just YOUR electric that sucks. Your attitude sucks too. You reap what you sew.

The Hedgehog 04-26-2008 10:18 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
Go brushless, its not going to be fun replacing the brushes and cutting the com every 10 runs on your low turn mod brushed motor.

Also, just put brushless and lipo and kick the nitro guys, you will be much faster than them for sure.

SavageX78 04-26-2008 10:20 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
Ya my track has a bunch of nitros but even the nitro guys bring electrics to run in the electric races. Sounds like your track just got overrun by nitro guys.

And after a while you will want brushless. 12 turn brushed motors require a lot maintenace.youll be cutting comms and changeing brushes frequently. And that gets old quick. Id rather be running my rc not fixing the motor. But you may like it some do. If you do plan on running low turn motors youll either want to get a good Comm lathe or find someone that will do it for you.

You could get a good brushless setup and lipo and blow the nitro guys away. Then maybe a few will get electric too.

But if there are other track near by check them out and see if theres any electrics at them.

DriftingDragon 04-26-2008 10:27 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
ya the motor will die

and y dont you want to go brushless

The_Shark 04-26-2008 11:24 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
if you put a super capacitor on your r/c electric, it will boost the speed up, give it more running time and give you INSTANT pop.

im not talking about a little 2,000 micro fared, im talking about 68,000 micro fareds, about the size of a D battery!

i got a bandit to run about 32mph with a 10 turn motor without over heating, and got a bolink car to run 73mph with the venom speed meter.

i like nitros a little more, but i like electric because the fuel is alot less and they allow more flexibilty in hopping up.

electric pan cars will whoop the tar out of nitro tourers or even nitro prototype cars.

but nitro has a upper hand in off road.

s7jstep1 04-26-2008 11:57 AM

RE: electric SUCKS
if you were to get a brushless system, it would cost less than getting a nitro, less headache trying to keep it maintained and tuned, and it will smoke most nitros with a 7 or 8cell nimh

The_Shark 04-26-2008 12:04 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
yeah, i want a brushless, do they make them in 16D size or 300 size?

then i could just use a wee plane esc if i can get it to break.

Troopermanaic 04-26-2008 12:30 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
I have bad experience with electrics. The batteries keep overheating to the point of catastrophic failure. Thats happens to all of my electric rc's.. I guess I just want to play too long for them to handle. Thats why I like nitros.. They can run longer without catastrophic failure, and if I break the motor I can just go to ebay, get a junker for 50 buks and swap the engine.

Longhair 04-26-2008 12:30 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
supamagician - what electric RC do you have now?

I mean if you have something from Radio Shack that runs on 8AA batteries - then yes a nitro will go faster.

How about all the facts during your rant to put things into perspective for us?

drevil 04-26-2008 02:23 PM

RE: electric SUCKS

ORIGINAL: supamagician

i hate it because i have electric and when i want to go to the track, i have to call first to make sure theres not alot of people there because ive never seen another electric besides mine

ORIGINAL: supamagician

well i thought about that but goin that fast and i just drive on my street, i wont have time to do anything.

I don't understand your problem. At first you say you hate electrics because there aren't enough of them at your track for you to race, then you say you thought about going that fast but don't have the time and you just drive on your street. Then you say you're going to save for a 1/8 scale buggy.

It all depends on your track. There are tracks where the majority run nitro, while other tracks the majority run electric. For example at my local track there are way more nitro offroad racers than electric, but on the other hand there are many more electric onroad racers than nitro. (outside asphalt track)

Threads like this aren't going to get much more than flamed.

BTW I suggest doing research on whatever buggy you're looking to buy. If it's one of those chinese knock off junkers on ebay I'd seriously advise against it especially if you plan on racing. More than likely it won't be able to keep up with the other racers (and then you'll probably say nitro sucks) and when it breaks your hobby shop likely won't stock parts for it.

nitrosportsandrunner 04-26-2008 05:16 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
the ONLY 2 reasons nitro is cooler(imho)
1) you can go fast for less money. i had a nitro sport, could go 38mph and only cost me $200 used. sur, brushless can go faster with good batteries, but that means nearly twice as much money
2) THE SOUND!!! i miss the scream of my nitro sometimes. even though i find my rusty to be more reliable/enjoyable, i will probly get another nitro some day.

Longhair 04-26-2008 05:34 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
Explain how nitro is cheaper if you keep buying fuel for it.

If you took 2 RC's of equal value - 1 nitro & 1 electric, put the same radio & servos in there and they were run for the same amount of hours the cost of the electric would be cheaper in the long run because batteries & charger is a 1 time cost as opposed to nitro which is a recurring cost.

The smell & sound is a personal choice. I may like it but the rest of my neighborhood doesn't & finding an open space with nobody to complain isn't always that easy for everybody.

The_Shark 04-26-2008 06:09 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
its nice because when nighbors used to stare me down i would take off the pipe, take that FOOO![sm=pirate.gif]

alot of people think electrics are less work, i beg to differ, i have blown so many esc's and motors due to complications like over gearing or bare wires (may be because i am ghetto when it comes to fixing things)

in my years i have only gone through 7gallons of nitro, but figure $30 X 7 .... thats $210 now i have been using the same $150 for 4 years, buying and selling and buying and selling, my money just ended last week, now im down to $70
so i have payed more on nitro than the cars themselves!

but i have burnt out about $150 in electrics.

so goods and bads are on both sides, again what ever floats your boat.

nitrosportsandrunner 04-26-2008 07:06 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
well yeh, in the long run electric is cheaper. but to buy a electric and a nitro about the same speed, the initial cost of electric will be more.
rtr nitro sport(38mph) plus fuel= around $250(cheaper really, cause you can buy used)
rtr vxl plus a 7cell 4000+mah battery and a decent charger=$400+. and if you want to run the thing for more than 25minutes at a time youll need more than 1 battery!

supamagician 04-26-2008 07:44 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
ok. i over reacted. electric doesnt suck. i love my firestorm but i just want that thrill of nitro. tuning and everything. i like messin with stuff like that. i took my whole e-firestorm apart and put it back together one day, just for fun. so im leaving myself with 2 options.

Option #1
upgrade e-firestorm to lipo/brushless, and race that and get a chaos for a cheap way into nitro and something to still have fun with

Option #2
upgrade e-firestorm to a 12t motor to be about as fast as my step dads rustler, and just bash it out front of the house, and get a lightning 2 sport buggy (1/8) to run at the track.

what do you guys think i should do??

MahnkenVille 04-26-2008 07:59 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
Brushless is getting pretty inexpensive nowadays, take a look at the Castle Sidewinder systems ($140 at my lhs) and anything from the $25 Radioshack batteries (GP3300's, i believe but i could be wrong.) to ener-g 4600s. The most you'll pay for batts is like 60 if you go with NiMH, which is plenty fast, give or take a few bucks. So you're looking at like $200 for a brushless system that will kick some nitro's butts and your car is still fairly easily maintained and doesn't disturb the neighbors when you get the urge to run your car at midnight down your street.

good luck with whatever you choose to do.

supamagician 04-26-2008 08:00 PM

RE: electric SUCKS
i already have a 3300 nimh batt. for it

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