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ranger306ci 12-19-2006 09:56 PM

Be carefull with training stands!
My friend brought over his heli-safe stand for me to try out. Just for the record, it is a very well made stand!
Any hoo, strapped my honeybee down, and fired 'er up.
I was having a good old time when I noticed my heli was pitched kinda funny, so I throttled it down. Upon inspection, I found 2 of the skid supports(on the heli) had come loose! Which meant that the other 2 were the only things holding my heli to the stand. Gave me a scare!
I am thinking I was using too much throttle, and the glue bonds were not set good.
So, keep in mind that when you use a stand, your bird could come off at any time! ( and it might not be in one piece!)

Kevinator9 12-19-2006 10:09 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Oh dear! Image if that happened with a bigger heli! At my club the other weekend there was one of those training stands. Not all people that had a try on it were, lets say... able to fly a heli by themselves. If the Concept 30 had come off that imagine what could of happened!

PutU2Sleep 12-20-2006 10:24 AM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
I've always been told to NEVER strap a heli down. I can only imagine what a suddenly loose, out of control heli would do to a group of people standing around watching it unexpectedly.

rjm1982 12-20-2006 02:01 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
I think training stands are bad ideas.

They teach bad habits. They teach you to expect a safety net. Learning to fly these days is easier than ever, if you can't learn in a normal fashion, you probably aren't going to "get it" ever.

Kevinator9 12-20-2006 02:15 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
I think I have got myself into a little safety net. I am always on the buddy box system although my trainer is making me correct more of my mistakes before taking over now... I think I really need to get out there on my own (after I do my 1st flight on my new heli on 1 last try of buddy boxing...).

PutU2Sleep 12-20-2006 08:26 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
I put a lot of time on my sim before putting it in the air. You just have to take a big breath, grit your teeth and remember what you have learned on the sim. I took mine up for the first time last week and to my surprise I did really well, not perfect but I put it up about 1-5 feet hovered fairly smooth and landed nicely. Hovered several more times since turning each side towards me, still scary, but no crashes yet............................

Of course now its developed a wicked flutter that I haven't figured out........its a rappy 30 v1, considering getting the v2 conversion kit. That v1 head kinda scares me.

Good luck to all those learning and may Santa and the heli gods be kind:D

ranger306ci 12-20-2006 09:22 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
It is not a crutch to some, just another tool, like training gear.
The heli stand has another use, besides a "crutch"
It can be used to watch head performance while rotor is spinning( checking vibrations and such)also, can be used to check gyro performance, all while "safely" preventing a flyaway. As I found out, not as safe with some helis as others.
I learned the hard way that honeybees are not glued at all, it uses geometry of the parts to keep the landing gear together. Screw that, I glued it!
I use my sim alot, went through RAD's, and I am learning real hovering right now, mostly short bunny hops. Getting a feel for controlled take off.
I was contemplating building a stand, and my buddy had one, so I tried it.
I am still going to build the stand, why not, I have all the parts together, BUT I will include a safety strap!( to the main body)

cyclicoverload 12-21-2006 06:29 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Just drill holes in plate on ether side of the skids and use nylon zip ties to hold it down, you can tow a car with those things thay are so strong.

cyclicoverload 12-21-2006 06:32 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Just drill holes in plate on ether side of the skids and use nylon zip ties to hold it down, you can tow a car with those things thay are so strong.

helisafestuff 12-23-2006 01:16 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Hi Fellows,

Just a word about the stands. They are a great learning tool and will offer crash protection where other tools fail. You need to keep in mind that equipment in general (and not just the stands) is only as good as the operator. You need to follow the instructions and operate safely. You also need the check both the stand and the heli before each flight, as is done on real size aircraft. The equipment is generally fool proof to operate but is not idiot proof. The user feedback is simpy great on these trainers. Used properly they are a great aid. As far as helping to develop bad habits, that happens with or without using training aids. The ultimate responsibility rests with the operator and his application of the equipment. Fly safely and enjoy the hobby!

ranger306ci 12-23-2006 04:41 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Well said helisafe.Upon mounting my heli, it SEEMED solid, but I did not yank on it. Now I know better!
BTW, if you are the maker of this product, I have a question; On the rotating head, why did you mount the skid holders in the configuration you did? I would have figured a X would have been easier, and be able to center just as well.

helisafestuff 12-23-2006 05:35 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Hi. A simple "X" shape would not work for the heli skid holder because individual skid sizes vary so much from one product to another. The special configuration makes the skid holder truly a "universal" holder for all skids, and mounting at the proper balance point is never a problem, no matter which helicopter is used. The equipment is designed to be very user friendly and problem free, hence the special feature.

ranger306ci 12-23-2006 11:02 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!

hopntod 12-25-2006 07:20 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
i drilled holes in a peice of plywood and ziptied the battery holder not the skids.couldnt put the body back on but i got a little insight as to how my controls work. tried 4 the first time today to hover, im goin to take it slo though . im waiting 4 the esky sim to get here.glad im not the only one who is being careful.

DebianDog 12-26-2006 06:18 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
I simply cannot believe ANYONE HERE would RECOMMEND a training stand. With a simulator and time my friend was doing loops his first gallon. Stands are dangerous and go against how the helicopter is designed to work.

It is just a bad idea... period!

helisafestuff 12-26-2006 06:36 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
It is nice to sound your opinion, but fortunately you do not speak for everyone. User satisfaction is very high on these trainers, so you must be missing some vital facts.

elebouef 12-26-2006 06:44 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!


I simply cannot believe ANYONE HERE would RECOMMEND a training stand. With a simulator and time my friend was doing loops his first gallon. Stands are dangerous and go against how the helicopter is designed to work.

It is just a bad idea... period!
And I also think that the government should ban the use of training wheels on a kid's bike. He might fall over if not supervised. [sm=wink_smile.gif]

DebianDog 12-26-2006 06:47 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
No... I am missing NO facts and know of NO pilot that have actually learned with a stand. About all a helicopter stand is good for is putting money in the people that makes the stand... oh wait... let me guess.... ah... never mind.

It is a well documented "bad idea". There is Z-E-R-O reason to use a stand.

DebianDog 12-26-2006 06:49 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!

ORIGINAL: elebouef
And I also think that the government should ban the use of training wheels on a kid's bike. He might fall over if not supervised. [sm=wink_smile.gif]
Feel free to waste your money my friend. I have some diet pills I can sell you too ;)

elebouef 12-26-2006 07:24 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!

Feel free to waste your money my friend. I have some diet pills I can sell you too ;)
Sorry but I don't do DRUGS

DebianDog 12-26-2006 08:49 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Yes I am SURE your 15 posts here outweighs people like Mike Mas, Curtis Youngblood, David Harkey. Folks that have been flying helicopters and competing worldwide (in both 3D and FAI helicopter championships since the 1970's) that say a helicopter stand is a "bad idea". Thank you for your insight. :eek:

A helicopter training stand is "A JOKE" in the business and draws laughter like strapping a helicopter to a aluminum ladder.

elebouef 12-26-2006 09:46 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Now please tell me why this stand is such a bad idea if you are careful? It lets you do anything to the helicopter except crash.

helisafestuff 12-26-2006 09:53 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Like I said, we all have opinions. That is what is so great about living in North America. And keep in mind, what works for one may not work for another.....and this includes medical drugs, psychotherapy, marriage, and yes, even training stands. Have fun and fly safely!

PS: I am also finding that many of today's "experts" have completely forgotten how slow and primitive they themselves have started out years ago. It took them years to become good, and even more years to become experts. It did not just happen after using one gallon of fuel in anything, believe me.

DebianDog 12-27-2006 05:58 AM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!

ORIGINAL: elebouef

Now please tell me why this stand is such a bad idea if you are careful? It lets you do anything to the helicopter except crash.
You guys believe what you want. I have spoken with 100's of pilots and never have I found any experts recommend a stand. Many pilots have bought and used these in the past and still laugh about it. As a matter of fact this stand manufacturer just got out of "the biz" and we were laughing about it on the other DEDICATED RC helicopter forums

I do not care what you do. A helicopter is not going to "fly" or react on a stationary stand the same way it does in the air. If you want orientation skills buy a Blade CX or a simulator.

helisafestuff 12-27-2006 09:05 AM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Well, we are believing the facts, not simply what we want, as is in your case. You must be talking about the Whiteman Stand which is an old design and now stopping his business. The Heli-Safe stand is a new design and much better.

We are talking about the Heli-Safe Stands here. It operates on a different principle and provides more natural operating functions for the heli. The stand does not hold the heli itself rigid and allows it to react as if really flying. Your laughter at this product reveals your ignorance of the facts.

You have spoken to hundreds of "experts" who claim training stands don't work. We have spoken to hundreds of current end-users who stated it is a great learning and set up tool. The current beginner-user often knows more than the misinformed expert who never used the new equipment, and only gives arm chair advise from his throne, using outdated information. The very high positive response to the Heli-Safe trainers is well documented. Sounds like your opinion is based on old and out of date information fed to you by the old experts who think they know it all. Get the facts, not just opinions, and then you will be current with the times. Do you even know how this trainer operates?

BarracudaHockey 12-27-2006 02:42 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Well I've never seen or used a helisafe stand so I can't comment on it specifically, but I would never strap a helicopter to anything, ground resonance alone makes it a bad idea to me.

If someone were asking me (helicopter instructor) Id say buy a good sim and a case of fuel.

helisafestuff 12-27-2006 03:10 PM

RE: Be carefull with training stands!
Thank you for your reasonable response.

Most of the Heli-Safe Trainer types are aimed at indoor miniature electric helis. They are purchased by people who do not want to fly into the furniture and walls within 3 seconds of being airborne, and the stand is the only thing between the heli and certain disaster for many beginners. The spider leg trainers offer no defence against fly-aways and hitting object, as you well know.

Experienced pilots do buy the larger nitro heli stands. We recently had one customer who purchased our trainer to protect his second new $3,500.00 heli during the initial set up and adjustments. The stands offer much more than just flying practice, so do not focus only here. Pilots need to know all the features and uses of the equipment before passing judgement.

Have a great day!

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