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RS2K 05-07-2002 10:38 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
Well I'm halfway through my second gallon on my rappy 50 and have the tail in down great been hovering it fairly high at times, too. I am working on side in and nose in now and seem to be doing well.

Today I got off work early and thought I'd try some windy flying. THIS THING FLIES GREAT IN WIND!!!! I was hovering in 21 MPH winds with gust up to 35 with no trouble at all! I was in FF while stationary so it was different to fly but I kept it in one spot! I was the only one at the field today because of wind/rain but it sure is a great feeling to know I can fly in kansas!! :)

When it gusted the heli only went up, no attitude change. When the wind slowed it lowered altitude but keeping on the throttle I was able to keep it from going too close to the ground or too high.

The way I see it is if your going to fly in kansas LEARN to fly in wind! Makes it fun and challenging!

Only got to fly one tank because it started raining and the lightning was coming closer.

I AM SOOO GLAD I WENT WITH THE RAPPY 50!! That OS 50 sounds good, too! Doesn't sound like a weed wacker. :)

Scotty740 05-07-2002 10:45 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
Nice job!! Flying in the wind is great. It helps sharpen the reflexes. Once you get in to forward flight you'll hardly notice the wind at all.

Continue to work on side and nose in hovering. Learning all orientations will help you out in the long run.

Dazzler 05-07-2002 10:51 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
Where did you order your Rappy 50 from? Thanks, Daz...

RS2K 05-07-2002 11:32 PM

I got it from heliproz for $460 with the engine and free shipping.
I'm very glad I got the 50 over the 32. I use 15% on it which for about half the price is still WAY more powerful on the 50 than 30% will be on the 32. As much wind flying as I do I'm glad I got the larger machine.

I also tried to fly my ultra sport and that wind and dinged up my landing gear on my last landing. Now with my purchase of my heli wind's not going to stop me again(within reason :))!

I'm starting to think helis are a lot easier than planes! Easier to build(I hate wood), MUCH easier to transport(I hate wood and wings), Easier to clean (I hate wood), easier to fly (wind wise), a lot more survivable (hanger rash wise- did I mention I hate wood?).

dreimer 05-07-2002 11:35 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
I know where my next "spare" $460 is going!!! :D :D :D

Scotty740 05-08-2002 12:07 AM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"

My kind of guy....."I HATE WOOD"

I have a plane standing in the corner that needs some repair now for about 6 months. Have built and rebuilt 3 or 4 helis in that time.

RS2K 05-08-2002 12:54 AM

PC Tech.

Originally posted by Scotty740

My kind of guy....."I HATE WOOD"

I have a plane standing in the corner that needs some repair now for about 6 months. Have built and rebuilt 3 or 4 helis in that time.

I'm a PC tech and if computers required sanding I don't know what'd I'd do with myself!

Helis remind me of PCs. Parts can only go in one way but you can tweak the "you know what" out of them. I LOVE TWEAKING! I make a terrible painter because I keep changing the small things so much that the end result always looks like mud, same with wood, no turning back once you cut or sand. But with PCs and Helis you can always "reset" back to default and start over till you get it perfect! No sanding required. :D Balsa is also VERY fradgile.

My sig somthin' extra had a few twigs go through the right wing back in December and I'm now just finishing up the glueing and am ready to sand and cover. Shame 'cause that's a GREAT flying bird. I've been flying my Ultra Sport ARF and dreamin/researching/buyin/building/flying about helis sine then. :)

Gastronom-RCU 05-08-2002 11:52 AM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
Hey RS2K, I am also a PC tech form way back, well if ya call 8 years way back, anyway. Do you have the same problem th aI do? As far as customers and/or friends giving you old equipment and you end up storing a whole pile of dusty old 386 - 486 mhz machines taking up shop space? Boy I wish I could find a need for all of those obsolete parts. Maybe build a very heavy plane out of them and throw it off of the highest bridge I can find. hehe :cool:

RS2K 05-08-2002 02:16 PM

Old parts.
LOL, I had a whole room full of 286s once... I recieved them when 400 MHz was the thing. I had like 5 of them, 2 old PS2s, a bunch of old moniters (RGB or older and a few others I cant remember. The best part was that they were all fubar. A neighbor got them all at a garage sale for $10 and thought that it was a good deal. When they saw that none of them worked he gave them to me.

I lived in the country at the time and found a great use for them!

Two words... Target Practice.

Living in the country you burn your trash and a burning mother board sounds like a bag full of popcorn interestingly enough.

As for 486s or higher (PCs that could run 95) I usually gave those to friends who didn't have a PC and needed a word processor.

RS2K 05-08-2002 02:19 PM


BTW, Do you think it's a good idea to keep a spare crash kit around? I really don't expect a crash but what kind of crash will destroy more than waht comes in a crash kit?

flieguytx 05-10-2002 02:26 AM

Crash kits
I don't know about you...but every crash I had with my Rappy 50, it would have been a waste of money on a crash kit. It was always the head assembly that got screwed up. I just sucked it up and took an inventory of everything that got dinged. Just do a cost comparison and sometimes it might actually be worth it. Plus I never used wood blades, so there were lots of unused parts. Good luck with it! S-

Ergo60 05-10-2002 01:47 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
I flew planes for several years before getting into helicopters, and i remeber many a windy day that I did not fly because I had to much time building the lane to risk it with a windy landing. Now that i fly helicopters, it has to almost be gale force winds to keep me from flying. the wind does not seem to affect helicopters as much as planes.

cutter 05-14-2002 01:59 PM

What brand and size of main rotor blades are you using? I'm about ready to buy a Rap 50 also..cutter

RS2K 05-14-2002 04:20 PM

Raptor 50 update. "Wind Flying"
I am just using the stock woodies and the OS50SX-H. I plan on replacing them with SAB 600mms after I start to get my autos down.. I fly in a 18 MPH wind the other day with no T-Gear and it fly just as well.

I also tried some 3 foot autos and did fine so I tried them at 5 feet... Did good on those but every time I did them the heli turned 90 degrees and on my final attempt I landed it fine but a gust of wind tilted the heli (Almost no head speed). The blade tips hit the dirt a few times and I thought OH NO!

I checked the blades carfully and cheked the head for anything wrong... I saw nothing so I fired it up and checked the balance... It was right on (lucky).

I started the remainder of my autos 90° to the wind. :o)

I am going to try some figure 8s today and do some high all oreintation hovers. If that goes well I'll let er rip into the wild blue yonder. :o)

=XGC= OzZ 05-14-2002 04:58 PM


Originally posted by RS2K

BTW, Do you think it's a good idea to keep a spare crash kit around? I really don't expect a crash but what kind of crash will destroy more than waht comes in a crash kit?

I would hold back on crash kit its good but have the stuff you do not need.
I fly my freinds 50 raptor ..
Nice fly's like its on rail. Was :devious: surprized. Flys great.

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