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-   -   Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal (https://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/rc-radios-transmitters-receivers-servos-gyros-157/10334421-spektrum-dx7-ar7000-total-loss-signal.html)

Prop_Washer2 02-15-2011 11:23 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal


I edited the pics to show top view and side view.

My apologies for the confusion earlier.

Spektrum and JR, just too funny to get those 2 spikes, and lick and stick just right...Jeez...Can you say DSMX...Duh..??

Prop_Washer2 02-15-2011 11:27 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal


[font=''Tahoma''][/font]Seen Loss of signal with 2.4 alot and all brands ... Doesn't ever happen with my Futaba PPM or PCM ... Sorry boys but U just have to have the new and improved and UNPROVEN stuff when the old tried and true now works better than ever... OH Well.
What Frequency are you on...I can take you out by turning on my Transmitter, All Frequencies and shift..Hitec Eclipse 7 Spectra..!! 72 MHz is vulnerable..DUH...

invert0914 02-16-2011 04:49 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal



I wish I had some facts and data to back this up, but I don't, so I'll just say it.

I'll bet you a donut that 99% of all Spectrum problems are end-user error. There's nothing wrong with the technology. It's the user who installed it incorrectly that is causing the problem.

Sorry but total garbage and this is why so many people are angry. I personnaly had my setup checked by 2 Jr reps at Joe Nall last year and my set up was fine. A 3rd rep who I will keep un named told me that with so many transmitters on after 5 oclock you are flying at your own risk. The sytem couldn't handle it. Of course Jr stayed in denile of this and lied to everyone untill now. Now in referance to sunday flying and this guys issue. My Spectrum receiver 6200 crapped out after 2 years for 3 seconds and cost me $3000. Nothing wrong with setup. All servos were tested and data logger showed a hold and for what.NOTTAA!!! Horrizon's answer was put more satelite receivers in plane. GGGRRRRRR.

skipper_gr 02-16-2011 06:31 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
I want to offer an oservation: During my time in the USAF I was part of the acceptance team inspecting the cortractor installed intersite microwave system at an airfield in north africa. System had broad band transmit/recieve requirments over water and desert. Frequency assignment was in the 7,000 Meg range. Acceptane included a 30 day operational test. System operated on two frequencies antennas were arranged in horozontial and vertical polarities, seperated roughly 10' apart, vertically, on the same tower, roughly 250' off the ground. Now thew point of all this rambling: part of the test was to record the signal strenght of each path (freq A horiz & vertical, freq B horiz & vert) at the recievers ans also record the combiner output for thirty days. Thus we could see what was happening to each signal & simultaniously see the data output. We poured over these records and did not find a single incident of signal droput an all channels at the same time! There were many occurances of two and three channels down but the combiner output remained constant. The contract requirment was 99.97% reliability whic was clearly met. We signed off on the contract & the system was reliable until the USAF pulled out of the country. Questions?;)[8D]

cometravi 02-16-2011 07:00 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for your observations guys... The rx didn't go into failsafe. it was full throttle and aileron's were max'ed.

The pic is how Spektrum tells us to mount rx's as per the DX 7 Manual[img][/img] and that is how i did mine. They better not be wrong or send me a new plane!!

Btw is there a current limit for the AR7000? I mean how much current can it take before it shuts down..has to be a limit i guess?

BuschBarber 02-16-2011 07:03 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: cometravi

Thanks for your observations guys... The rx didn't go into failsafe. it was full throttle and aileron's were max'ed.

The pic is how Spektrum tells us to mount rx's as per the DX 7 Manual[img][/img] and that is how i did mine. They better not be wrong or send me a new plane!!
Looks right to me.

turkey hunter 02-16-2011 08:33 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
72 MHZ is vulnerable, DUH! However 90% of the time you could figure out what caused
the problem. From what I have been reading about failures with the new 2.4 systems nobody, and I mean nobody
seems to have a handle on these problems. Y axis, X axis, horizontal plane, vertical plane, damn I'm glad I still
fly mostly 72 MHZ. All I have to do with the antenna is run it straight and make sure it is not coiled up! I do
have a 2.4 system, but it's not going into my Ziroli warbird but in a .40 size sport plane. After reading all the
posts about problems with 2.4 systems, I'm taking the wait and see approach.

blhollo2 02-16-2011 09:24 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
sorry for your loss..i feel futaba is a better system, very little errors and NEARLY bullet proof.

cometravi 02-24-2011 10:37 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
Futaba looks like a better system. Have got a 10CG on the way..

Zor 02-25-2011 04:38 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: BuschBarber

ORIGINAL: cometravi

Thanks for your observations guys... The rx didn't go into failsafe. it was full throttle and aileron's were max'ed.

The pic is how Spektrum tells us to mount rx's as per the DX 7 Manual[img][/img] and that is how i did mine. They better not be wrong or send me a new plane!!
Looks right to me.

It is preferable to use both polarization.

In the picture both antennas are in the same plane.


BuschBarber 02-25-2011 04:53 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
The antennas on the Satellite are the same aircraft but not in the same plane. They are 90 deg to the antennas in the main Rx and correct according to the manual.

They are represented in picture 3.

Zor 02-25-2011 06:03 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: BuschBarber

The antennas on the Satellite are the same aircraft but not in the same plane. They are 90 deg to the antennas in the main Rx and correct according to the manual.

They are represented in picture 3.
I am referrring to the only picture in post #45

Both antennas are in an horizontal plane when the airplane is in normal attitude sitting on the ground on its wheels.


BuschBarber 02-25-2011 06:21 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
Yes!! And that is not only acceptable but one of the recommended installations. The antennas for the main Rx are Perpendicular to the antennas for the Satellite. If they were Parallel, that would be incorrect. The other recommended installations would be to mount the the Satellite on the bulkhead to the right of it's current location. You could also rotate the Satellite 90 deg to the Right, in both locations.

I have set up numerous aircraft using these same patterns, without incident.

Zor 02-25-2011 07:10 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: BuschBarber

Yes!! And that is not only acceptable but one of the recommended installations.
I wish you had said who does the recommendation and how he (they) did that recommendation.

The antennas for the main Rx are Perpendicular to the antennas for the Satellite.
That is obvious in the picture.

If they were Parallel, that would be incorrect.
It would be the same as receivers with a single antenna or with a double parallel antennas a short distance away on the receiver case. The polarization is the same but for some phase difference.

The other recommended installations would be to mount the the Satellite on the bulkhead to the right of it's current location.
That would put both antennas parallel ; not the best.

You could also rotate the Satellite 90 deg to the Right, in both locations.
That would be better to take advantage of both polarization

I have set up numerous aircraft using these same patterns, without incident.
Any installation is ok if one never flys far away as can happen with large models.
What we are talking about is "What is best" for a good link and maximum range.

Itis also best to have receivers without AGC. Something distributors never talk about.

All we hear (read) is "full range". They seem afraid to give us concrete information.
That is not surprising.


BuschBarber 02-25-2011 07:30 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
Zor - What is the matter with you? You are totally out of touch with how these JR/Spektrum 2.4 radios should be set up. You bought a DX7 and suddenly you are the authority. You have had very little if any practical real world experience using these radios in the field. You don't go to major events, you don't go to trade shows, you just Troll around RCU to get some terms so you can try and sound intelligent, but it is still not enough.

The Main Rx is mounted to the floor of the fuselage with the antennas pointing to the sides.
The Satellite Rx is mounted to the side of the fuselage with the antennas pointing front and back.
This is a correct installation.

It is also correct to mount the Satellite Rx to the side of the fuselage or to the face of a bulkhead, with the antennas pointing towards the top and bottom of the fuselage.

No matter how you try to deny this, you are incorrect.

Try and Polarize your thoughts in a Positive direction instead of a Negative direction.

BuschBarber 02-25-2011 08:24 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
One correction. With the Satellite on the bulkhead, antennas need to be vertical. They should not be horizontal.

Zor 02-25-2011 08:39 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: BuschBarber

Zor - What is the matter with you? You are totally out of touch with how these JR/Spektrum 2.4 radios should be set up. You bought a DX7 and suddenly you are the authority. You have had very little if any practical real world experience using these radios in the field. You don't go to major events, you don't go to trade shows, you just Troll around RCU to get some terms so you can try and sound intelligent, but it is still not enough.
You do not seem to realize that what we are talking about is "radio communication" and the best way of obtaining maximum range for reliability.
Your comments in the above paragraphis just throwing dirt around.for no justifiable reason.
I have used radio communication for most of my long life. It appears you do not even understand what I am talking about. What do you know about radiaton, propagation and field strenght ?
You do not learn this by putting the switch on an RC transmitter and receiver and just use it to control a model airplane. That knowledge is not acquired by visiting shows and attending major events of model flying.

The Main Rx is mounted to the floor of the fuselage with the antennas pointing to the sides.
The Satellite Rx is mounted to the side of the fuselage with the antennas pointing front and back.
This is a correct installation.
YES it is a correct installation but it is not the best and I am saying why (which you rarely do) ; it is because both are in a horizontal plane and cannot take advantage of any polarizaton at 90 degrees.

It is also correct to mount the Satellite Rx to the side of the fuselage or to the face of a bulkhead, with the antennas pointing towards the top and bottom of the fuselage.
That is exactly the orientationI was talking about but it does not appear you read me any better than usual.

No matter how you try to deny this, you are incorrect.
Proof that you do not pay attention. You claim I deny while reading properly makes it evident that it is exactly what I was promoting (not denying).

Try and Polarize your thoughts in a Positive direction instead of a Negative direction.
Please try to take time to interpret your reading with greater attention and not read the opposite to what is written clearly.I often read you and conclude you do not understand the subject discussed.

I do not wish to be rude to you andI do not care about or mind your rudeness to me. It does not bother me. I do not talk or write about things I know nothing or little about.

Enjoy yourself but guard against often misleading readers.

Repeating what I talked about ___ It is best to have two antennas having their orientation so that their center line (their length) are 90 degrees and in a geometrical plane also 90 degrees apart (not parallel). Using a different description in words, one antenna is oriented 9 o'clock to 3 o;clock and the other is 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock and the two planes are at least a couple of inches apart.

If that is not possible other orientatons will work but with potential reduced range and worst signal to noise ratios.


Zor 02-25-2011 08:52 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: BuschBarber

One correction. With the Satellite on the bulkhead, antennas need to be vertical. They should not be horizontal.

You posted the above while I was typing and formatting.

I am glad you now saw the light.

It takes a good man to realize and correct its misunderstanding.

You are a super good guy.



alan tully 02-25-2011 06:48 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
this sorta thing also happened to me once but i didnt fly it the 2nd time .When i got it home i started wiggling the plane around and saw the rudder lock out.What i  found was that when they stripped the wires for the antanna they removed to much wire and the 2 were touching each other and that was making the system lock up .Once the 2 wires stopped  touching the pane went back to working rite

alan tully 02-25-2011 06:55 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
that happened to me once what is was ,when they stripped the wire for the antanna they removed to much of the covering and the 2 wires were tpuching each other killing the signal to the radio .They would touch the plane had no responce so try touhing them together if the signal is lost mybe thats what the problem was

kurt2022 03-03-2011 07:32 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
That could have been my h9 cap last Saturday when I experienced my ar7000 receiver locking out or going in failsafe, luckily I got mine on the ground safely! I'm going to all ar9000's or jr921's with up to four rf links not two compared to the ar7000's, too dangerous!!!

pfloyd 03-04-2011 03:13 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
I can't believe John that you've given up. You were RIGHT and now you are WRONG just like Rcpilot is. If you think that #3 install is wrong because both antennas are on the same horizontal axis, then I suppose you should never ever attempt to fly in knife edge.

Zor 03-04-2011 04:52 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
It is all a matter of desired control signal energy induced in the receiving antenna(s).

That energy depends on the transmitter radiated power producing a field strenght according to its directivity which vary with the orientaton of the transmitter antenna. How you hold the transmitter so that maximum field strenght goes toward the receiver.

Then the directivity of the receiving antenna(s) which varies with the orientaton of the model and the manner the receiving antenna(s) were installed in the model.

In a few words all the above affect the range where the signal become too weak for control or the signal to noise (or unwanted radiation) ratio is not sufficient for proper demodulation.

The above explains also why we never see actual range specified in a distance figure.
All that is said is "full range" which simply mean "you should be able to fly your airplane as far as you can see its attitude for contolling it.

Since larger model's attitude can be seen at farther distancces some fliers of giant models often install two receivers thinking they have increased the communication range. That is not so because one receiver does not know what the other one is doing. One receiver is independent of the other one.

The main reason for multiple receivers (satellite receivers) is to take advantage of the radiated field polarization. Some system come with such satellite receivers but if not then installing a second receiver is the only choice. It does not necessarily increase the maximum range but we may say it makes the receiver response more uniform and more independent of the model attitude during maneuvers.

In fact it is often forgotten that multiple antennas in close proximity affect the directivity pattern. Consider yagis, adcocks, and looped elements and their directivity patterns.

Fortunately for the average flier it is not a primary concern but we often read about a loss of control that is not easily explainable.

We have the ability to hold our transmitters for best signal propagation to the receiver wherever the model is in tha air. We should install the 2.4 Ghz antenna(s) as recommended and do our best to keep the receiving antenna(s) as far as practical from other electrically conductive materials in the model. Our choice is often rather limited.

Of course we often read that a fellow never had problems. That is good. With a smaller model up to size 90 or even 120 the plane is rarely further than about 700 feet (about 220 meters).


baronbrian 03-04-2011 05:25 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: pfloyd
If you think that #3 install is wrong because both antennas are on the same horizontal axis, then I suppose you should never ever attempt to fly in knife edge.

also keeping as much distance as possible between the primary rx and the satellite is as important.

doublesixes 03-04-2011 07:58 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
I lost 2 planes to my DX7/r7000 combo under similar circumstances to OP's.

My radio was purchased in 07 and I didn't experience bad things until a few months ago when, in quick succession, 2 gas planes were lost.

After these traumatic events, I tried all my r7000s and 6000s with foamies. All I can say is that control is basically lost/regained if the planes fly further than 30-40 feet away from me, regardless of RX. As one could imagine, I'm no longer using that radio but for sim applications.

Zor 03-06-2011 07:56 PM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: doublesixes

I lost 2 planes to my DX7/r7000 combo under similar circumstances to OP's.

My radio was purchased in 07 and I didn't experience bad things until a few months ago when, in quick succession, 2 gas planes were lost.

After these traumatic events, I tried all my r7000s and 6000s with foamies. All I can say is that <span style="color: #008080"><u>control is basically lost/regained if the planes fly further than 30-40 feet away from me,</u></span> regardless of RX. As one could imagine, I'm no longer using that radio but for sim applications.

An interesting posting.

No comments


cometravi 04-12-2011 02:07 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal
btw, I was testing the receiver I had on my plane that crashed and Channel 6 seems like it was faulty. It went to extreme throw or did not respond at all. Tried various configs but no luck. My Cap232 was configured for Channel 1 & 6 as ailerons and it did roll into the ground and the first glitch was aileron related.. Has anyone had this happen to them? I read the advisory on the AR9000 and the Capacitors coming loose. Wont really know as this could have happened post crash but this could just be it.

BuschBarber 04-12-2011 03:13 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: cometravi

btw, I was testing the receiver I had on my plane that crashed and Channel 6 seems like it was faulty. It went to extreme throw or did not respond at all. Tried various configs but no luck. My Cap232 was configured for Channel 1 & 6 as ailerons and it did roll into the ground and the first glitch was aileron related.. Has anyone had this happen to them? I read the advisory on the AR9000 and the Capacitors coming loose. Wont really know as this could have happened post crash but this could just be it.
The Capacitor issue affected older AR9000's, from 4 or 5 years ago. It wouldn't just affect one channel. My AR9000's were from that period and I had to send them back to have the Capacitor secured. One of my original AR9000 had a Channel port that was dead. I could not even connect a battery to it. I returned it to the LHS and they replaced it.

Zor 04-12-2011 04:31 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: cometravi

btw, I was testing the receiver I had on my plane that crashed and Channel 6 seems like it was faulty. It went to extreme throw or did not respond at all. Tried various configs but no luck. My Cap232 was configured for Channel 1 &amp; 6 as ailerons and it did roll into the ground and the first glitch was aileron related.. Has anyone had this happen to them? I read the advisory on the AR9000 and the Capacitors coming loose. Wont really know as this could have happened post crash but this could just be it.

Read this, it may help and not have to return the receiver.


This repair assumes (of course) that the capacitor is still good and its connections inside itself as well as to the PC board are not broken.

If you feel better to send it to the service center then that is the best course to follow as already suggested.

It is always recommended to install a receiver so it is subject to a minimum of mechanical vibrations.


BuschBarber 04-12-2011 05:09 AM

RE: Spektrum DX7 + AR7000 -> Total loss of signal

ORIGINAL: cometravi

btw, I was testing the receiver I had on my plane that crashed and Channel 6 seems like it was faulty. It went to extreme throw or did not respond at all. Tried various configs but no luck. My Cap232 was configured for Channel 1 & 6 as ailerons and it did roll into the ground and the first glitch was aileron related.. Has anyone had this happen to them? I read the advisory on the AR9000 and the Capacitors coming loose. Wont really know as this could have happened post crash but this could just be it.
The case is very difficult to open without damaging or defacing it. Gluing the Capacitor down will not resolve the problem with the bad Channel port, if you have one. If your Rx is newer than 4 years old it most likely does not have the Capacitor issue.

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