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rcwarbirdbuilder 05-15-2010 05:50 PM

Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I have seen some bad deals with Arizona Models Posted. This is my recent dealings with AZM...<div id="TixyyLink" style="border-right: medium none; border-top: medium none; overflow: hidden; border-left: medium none; color: #000000; border-bottom: medium none; background-color: transparent; text-align: left; text-decoration: none"> I have to say all the bad posts about this company and Jamie are true I found after dealing with the company. I placed two orders with Jamie of AZM also know as Degital Design llc. back in Jan. &amp; Feb. 2010 for a cowl and fabric. After a few weeks of waiting and no delevery I called Jamie at Arizona Models a few times and the answer I always got was that the items would go out end of the week. After waiting over couple months I cancelled the charge with my credit company, than out of nowhere after about three months he sends fabric which was printed only on half of the width, I mean how cheap is this guy with the ink on the fabric which he gets $17 a foot?? Than I get the cowl and another replacement roll of fabric, by this time it has been well over three months from the orignal order date, I refused delivery with the post carrier on both items, than this guy charges my credit card again for $134 and $127 claiming to the credit card company he deliverd the packages. I called him again on it and he denies he had the charges made again. Who is lieing the credit company or Jammie? I gave him a chance to square up on the charges with no luck so far, Watch out when dealing with this guy and his company, from here on he can stuff his junk where the sun don't shine.

ps. I had fewother prior dealing with AZM before and the orders where always slow which I overlooked. One of the instumentpanel and interior seat I ordered sure was a item!,. I mean for the price I paid I would of been better off makeing it myself which I do now. After thislast incidence no more dealing with Arizona Models period!.


smokn6x 05-17-2010 04:00 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
Thats reall scary because I'm waiting for some fabric. [:'(][:o]

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-17-2010 04:06 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I am sure you well get it, I don't know how soon, as for customer service with Arizona Models I found it to be non existing, I just contacted my credit card today to push back on the bad deal I got from Arizona Models who also go by the name Digital Design LLC. good luck.

Mein Duff 05-17-2010 11:35 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
After reading and hearing all the bad reviews about this company I wonder why anybody would want to deal with this company...I guess unless you are extremely desperate...can't you get fabric from other vendors like reputable Glen Torrence?
I've looked at their catalog and all the goodies but can't justify the expected disappointment in dealing with them...never have, never will.....

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-18-2010 07:19 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
1 Attachment(s)
The big thing with me was who else to get the materials from, I have since ordered the same lozenge fabric from Wildmann Graphics and the cowl from Fiberglass Specialties, both suppliers are much, much cheaper and prompt on shipping about 1 week compared to over 3 months for the "Junk" from Arizona Models AKA Digital Design LLC... Also I understand Glenn Torrence has some nice stuff available for the ww1 crafts.

abufletcher 05-18-2010 07:26 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
There's almost nothing that AZM (re)sells that can't be found better and cheaper elsewhere. If you want to build one of "their" kits, contact the actual designer (which is not AZM) and get the original plan from them. Want a kit cut from those plans? Send the job to a reputably kit cutter. Want someone else to do all the hard work of your scale modeling? Find another hobby.

abufletcher 05-18-2010 07:27 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc

ORIGINAL: rcwarbirdbuilder
I have since ordered the same lozenge fabric from Wildman Graphics and the cowl from Fiberglass Specialties, both suppliers are much, much cheaper and prompt on shipping about 1 week
Looks like good stuff.

dhal22 05-18-2010 04:57 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
this has been going on for years. why any RCU member would order from them is beyond me.

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-18-2010 05:54 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
Hay- the guy has poor service, poor products, high prices and tells lies among other things,,, BUT he does have a slick website that keeps sucking people in, that is why I am throwing this stuff out again.,

davidgeorge212 05-18-2010 06:00 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I did it unknowingly. this is the first i have heard of the bad reputation they are getting. I bought some digital copies of plans and sent them to him so he could print them out for me. I did notice he was a little slow when it came to emails and sending me the request for money for his services. It has been a few weeks now and I have not received the plans as of yet.


rcwarbirdbuilder 05-18-2010 06:16 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
This guy operates on a borderline of being a crook, he bills imeadeatly the charge cards yet takes weeks or months and some times never to fill the order. Who do you contact to report a guy like this? His operation is probably not big enough to raise the interest of any law enforcement unit?.

scale only 4 me 05-18-2010 07:06 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I don't think he's a crook,, he's a true believer.
He truly believes it's no big deal to take your money and take his sweet little time filling and delivering your order.

You'd think eventually the CC companies would stop processing his charges if enough claims are filed

SoCalSal 05-20-2010 10:09 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc

ORIGINAL: rcwarbirdbuilder

This guy operates on a borderline of being a crook, he bills imeadeatly the charge cards yet takes weeks or months and some times never to fill the order. Who do you contact to report a guy like this? His operation is probably not big enough to raise the interest of any law enforcement unit?.
I was over in AZ about two years ago visiting a friend who lives there. He had tried to get some stuff from this place. Money was exchanged but the product was never delivered. So he took a drive down to see this guy in person. After the " meeting" Jamie gave my friend his money out of his own pocket on the spot.
Seems that the visible gun strapped to my buddies side did have some effect. Just love the state of Arizona and all their new laws. It is a real mans state!!.

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-20-2010 07:32 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I hope every one reads the prior reply, just goes to show that this guy Jamie Johnson of Arizona Models aka Digital Design is a total losser and a crooked Jerk not to be trusted with your money!..

abufletcher 05-20-2010 09:02 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc

ORIGINAL: rcwarbirdbuilder
Who do you contact to report a guy like this? His operation is probably not big enough to raise the interest of any law enforcement unit?.

BobH 05-20-2010 10:06 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
Sadly the BBB is just an advisory organization with no legal teeth. However many countys do have a consumer complaint department that does have some authority. I would suggest locating the county that AZM is located in and looking at the countys particulars for a consumer office.

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-21-2010 09:46 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I did go to the site and filed a complaint with BBB as well as contacting the credit card company to open the case for a refund.

breadner 05-23-2010 01:43 PM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
The leopard tried to change his spots! jamie johnson is still the finest retailer of reptile lubricants in the world. It's too bad the reptiles get a bad name because of him.

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-25-2010 07:37 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
He thought he was going to pull a fast one on me by getting my credit card recharged with his bill after I had it cancelled,.. well the credit card co. is wise to his scam and they are going to reverse Jamie Johnson's aka Arizona Models, aka Digital Design LLC charge again on my account Ha, Ha, Ha! Jamie, good try you scammer..

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-25-2010 07:53 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
1 Attachment(s)
Well there sure is a lot of negative feelings by everyone understadibly against Arizona Models out there,.. in fact so that the forum titled Arizona Models got lucked out by the moderator,.. I don't understand AZMJaime's rant about 1/3 scale Lozenge fabric can only be printed 17" wide on a advertised 25" wide roll? I bought a roll of fabric from Wildmann Graphics printed full 25" wide and I had no problem using it the way I wanted with it. My understanding from the quick research I did is that the lozenge patterns go vertical but on occaision it was also applied in a horizontal direction as well on the WW1 airplanes, oh well!. I am satisfied with the result and that is what matters in this hobbie.

cocobear 05-25-2010 08:37 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
Wildmans pattern is not scale. In any particular scale, the pattern is only so wide. It actually is only 25" wide in that scale. If you are not worried about true scale, Wildman is a good value.


rcwarbirdbuilder 05-25-2010 08:46 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc

That is what I was looking for, a print on a 25" wide solartex fabric base, I want something that looks good in any case it sure is much superior than some arf airplane. I am not competing, it is built strickley for my pleasure at a budget I want to invest into it, thanks for the response, George.</p>

abufletcher 05-25-2010 09:06 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
I bought some camera gear once in Hong Kong. Those sellers run every scam in the book...and then some. Technically, most of of these shoddy sales practices are legal. Just barely. I'll never buy anything there again.

There's a lesson to be learned here.

Mein Duff 05-25-2010 10:33 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
RC.. I tried finding Wildman Graphics but came up empty...can you paost a link to his site? Thanx

rcwarbirdbuilder 05-25-2010 11:15 AM

RE: Bad dealings with Arizona Models aka Digital Design llc
Mein, try this copy and paste if it well not go direct....<span class="f"><cite><font color="#228822">www.wildmanngraphics.net/</font></cite></span>

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