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thisoldman 09-28-2010 06:54 PM

anyone have any idea how far away from a two stroke gas engines that we use a fuel tank can be installed using the pump on the carb. im working on the ideal of the gas tanks being in the tip tanks. if i use sometype of mini pump will have to have a prssure switch on it that will onlly turn it on as pressure decreases. this is kind of out of my field of eng.
put im working on it and trying to locate any material i can find on it.

Bill Diedrich 09-28-2010 06:57 PM

Al here's my take on the tip tanks..... You will have a moving weight mass out on the
wing tips, not good in my opinion. The only way to keep that mass from moving around
too much would be to use a blader type of tank, ie I-V bag, and you would still have to have
some sort of system to keep it from moving around in the tips. But then again I might be
way off base on my assumption........Come on guys chime in on your thoughts on this

Bill D.

warbirdmustang 09-28-2010 07:03 PM

I would avoid the tip tanks like the plague for the reasons stated above, plus the real possibilities of engine problems, which we know on a twin would not be very welcome. I'd make the system simple and fool proof, so all your hard work will stay in one piece a lot longer! Just my .02!

thisoldman 09-28-2010 07:50 PM

the blatters would be no problem but one problem i could see if weight got out of balance one side lighter then the other could be a problem. i have 24oz tanks installed behind the motors. could pump fuel into tanks, but think this is going to be more then i want to get into. will probably leave it as is at this time, but at some future date may try it. will have wires going throught the tank for runing lights, but they will go through a brass tubegoing through the tank to the lights.
any info anyone can come up with on this subject would be appreciated. think it would just about have to be computer controlled to keep everything on a even keel.
on of the things i will have is a up down and sideways camera on board with virtual reality glasses. would be just like being inside the plane.. to me that would be great because im also a commerical pilot.
have some other things that will be added. the dash will have lights in it and the yokes will be hooked up to the elevator and rudder. they will move like a real plane. this will be done through a push rod inside under the flooring hooked direct to the yokes.
i sent out the drawing to a person and they are scanning them and putting them on disk and sending me back a copy. that way i can either email them or send a copy of disk to anyone that ways them. this is for the formers.

this has gotten to be a big project. will have pannel lines and riverts where needed. not sure what the colors are going to be yet.. any ideals on that subject. have looked at several planes but still not sure at this time.

thisoldman 09-29-2010 11:38 AM

has anyone started to build yet or has built and has pictures.
worked this morning on getting parts of it ready to glass.. probably glass tomorrow.

DelRay 09-30-2010 08:03 AM

Al, with 24 ounce tanks behind the motors, I'd think those would be plenty enough. I'd forget the tip tank idea, that's just asking for more headaches and problems. Sometimes simplicity is beauty. Thanks for sharing the pics of your 310 project.

thisoldman 09-30-2010 08:16 AM

as of this time.. have forgotten about real tip tanks.. will stick with what i have. with 22 cc engines and 24oz tanks. should be able to stay in the air for awhile.
there are other things i want to do and try on the plane so will follow different track.
still trying to figure out how i want to paint this bird. with something this big there are alot of possibilities.won't be long and will have the two fuselage parts glued togeather and make a big bird out of it.
still lots of work to go on it.
any one with ideals on paint..

handyman_alw_ 09-30-2010 08:21 AM


I agree with Del-Ray keep it simple twins are hard enough without all the little extras that no one would ever see but you when she is together and or flying. the balance issue would be a nitemare and then if a pump quit in flight there goes all your hard work and lets face it none of us are getting younger and the amount of work to put one of theese together it is not worth the risk.



I made my little 310 electric, first flight will be a week from today in muskogge oklahoma.

Allen :D:)[:-]

thisoldman 09-30-2010 08:14 PM

did not get much done today.. spent most of the day taking mother and wife to town shopping.. worked a little this evening on the landing gear doors. will post pictures tomorrow.. had to change up doors.. made them larger to incorperate ginges and air cyl. still working the the strut cover getting everything to fit and work.
tomorrow have all day to get some things done on it.. may get lucky and get some glassing started on elevator and vertical stab. waiting on the cockpit kit to arrive so i can figure out the layout of cabin area.

thisoldman 09-30-2010 08:52 PM

does anyone have picture of there 310 build and if so did you use retracts. would like to see how you did your doors.

TooLow 10-01-2010 02:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Al This what you are looking for? This of my "other car"

thisoldman 10-01-2010 04:00 PM

looking for main landing gear doors. trying to get the door on the strut to work without a gap.

thisoldman 10-01-2010 06:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
have the main doors installed.. lnow have to work on the linkage to open and shut. when i make another one of these going to space the metal tubes farther apart for more room.
when i get these done then i can start on glassing the wings and center section.

DelRay 10-02-2010 07:10 AM

Allen, don't ya know batteries are for glo drivers, flashlights, starters and other devices that can be used for one's pleasure.;) [X(] Good luck on the maiden e-flight. [sm=thumbs_up.gif]

handyman_alw_ 10-02-2010 11:32 AM

you know it will be a large pleasure if it works out the way i hope it does:D:D:D:)[>:]

thisoldman 10-03-2010 03:50 PM

took today off. will be back on it tomorrow.. have figured out the hook ujp for the outer gear doors.. will post pictures tomorrow of the hook up. took me awhile to find the right position. also will install cyl for inner gear doors. then im off to glassing up everything.. will be glad when that is done.. then primer and then panel lines. always something to do. never ending process.. will be glad when its all done and can take to the field for test flight. hope everyone is thinking about building this winter. here in florida we can build and fly all year. have been doing more building then flying.. don't seem to have enought time to get to airport and get up in the air with real plane. always something to take care of.
would like to buy another cessna 310, but with the upkeep it get more expensive every year.
maybe i should join a club and share expense.

thisoldman 10-03-2010 03:51 PM

also got word that my cockpit kit is on its way and will be here this week.. thank goodness.. would like to get that assembled and ready to go in before long. will take pictures of it when i get it.

Bill Diedrich 10-03-2010 08:43 PM


ORIGINAL: thisoldman

also got word that my cockpit kit is on its way and will be here this week.. thank goodness.. would like to get that assembled and ready to go in before long. will take pictures of it when i get it.
Al is that the one that is available from Bob Dively Models?
"I-116 Cessna 310 for Nosen $49.50"

thisoldman 10-04-2010 06:46 AM

bill that is the one.. suppose to be here today.. so will see what its like when i get it. only one i found so far.

thisoldman 10-04-2010 06:51 AM

bill are you going to build another 310 this winter. right now i have a spare. a bud nosen trainer and a bn citabria. some day in the future will build them. but right now have plenty to do with some builds that have been started and waiting to get done.
just not enough hands and hours in a day to get everything done.. and the older we get the faster things seem to go. sometimes i think i get it and its time to go back to bed. hours sure fly. when i was working they never went that fast.

Bill Diedrich 10-04-2010 07:08 AM

Yes I am going to start a 310 build this fall/winter/spring, have decided to
go the G&L Hobbies glass fuselage route, will be ordering it sometime between
Thanksgiving & Christmas. Got to finish the Nosen Giant trainer that has to be ready
come spring time for our club events, especialy the St. Jude Children's Hospital
Benefit I will be hosting mid May. Sure would be nice if a few of you guys that
have flying 310's could make it down or over to it. If it's got wings we intend on
having it flying.

Bill D.

thisoldman 10-04-2010 08:30 AM

let me know date and place. will see what we do about being there.

thisoldman 10-04-2010 06:39 PM

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well i have one side done as far as the doors installed.. have to mount the air cyl and hook up to inner door and then i can go on to next one. took me awhile to get linkages hooked up right for outer door. at first nothing seemed to line up right to outer door would close with gear down.
just one of many problems you run into when doing these birds. now just a matter of some measurments for other side and install. will keep the pictures comming. cockpit did not arrive today.. hope tomorrow.

thisoldman 10-05-2010 02:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
well one side is done. cyl installed and ready to go. alot of testing, measuring and fitting to get everything in right place and to line up everything. next door should be a little easier to do

thisoldman 10-05-2010 02:43 PM

have some filling around the inner door. will wrap the inner door in plastic and do the fill areas. will leave clean edges that way. after other door will finish sanding and then start the glassing. also finish up the outer wings and more sanding and filling.

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