RCU Forums - View Single Post - Why don't many people build RC airplane kits anymore?
Old 03-31-2011, 03:03 PM
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Default RE: Why don't many people build RC airplane kits anymore?


ORIGINAL: DenverJayhawk

i barely have time to assemble an ARF. Building a kit would take me a year.

You are exactly right. It depends on the kit though, I've seen some built in 6 months or a little less. But the guy was retired and didn't have to work 40 hrs a day and raise a family. One of the few things I like about ARF aircraft is I can do what I can to stay ahead in the economy, work 2 jobs and raise a faimily, and just grab my plane put it in the car and go flying once a week. With a kit, I'd miss out on good flying days if I had nothing else to fly. Thank God for progress!

Now I'm a little smarter and have 3 planes and they are all backups to each other incase one needs repair. So for the most part, I always manage more air time.

I've been a member of RCU for many years, and had 2 other avitars, so you can't go by the date I joined. It seems someone always starts a Thread like this for entertainment reasons. Threads like this starts getting into heated debates of what's better- Kits or ARF's?

Then the name calling starts, then the Moderators do best: Warn, Clip, Cut, Edit and Lock.

I'll say this once, and I write this with the backing of many. It doesn't matter if it's a Kit, ARF, RTF. It's all good if you bring it to a field to fly, and proud of what you have and enjoy the freedom of flight.

Yes, I build Kits and buy ARf's and occationally I'll go to the Marketplace and buy a RTF. So for others, I don't care what you have, just as long you bring something to fly and like to share it at RCU. Anything else is just Bull IMHO.

Enough written!

A BIG AMEN TO THAT ! I build kits to fly and I have arfs to practice crashing Just enjoy what ever you prefer and leave out all the name calling and all that over achiever talk. It was a cheap electric arf that got me back into the hobby. I wasn't a very good builder back when I was 14, 30+ yrs ago and it was frustrating to say the least trying to learn to build and only having a mininum of tools and help. I had an older gentleman in the club who spent a couple of wk ends helping me out. Maybe thats what you builders ought to be doing instead of bashing arf's, teach new guys some building skills, maybe a clinic during the off season or join a boy scout troop and teach it as a merit badge.
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