RCU Forums - View Single Post - Giant Model Products Introduces a 50cc GeeBee R3 ARF
Old 10-07-2011, 06:29 PM
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Default RE: Giant Model Products Introduces a 50cc GeeBee R3 ARF

Un less its a photo issue, You seem to have had the same mistake as I had. if you read my earlyer post. (even thow mine was 30cc)

Your left wheel pant dose not look completly strate with the body. These huge wheel paints act as rudders and when one is not right it will pull the this sexy bird all over the place. That and being a little off on CG it was the hardest plane I have flown.

But once I fixed the wheel paints and moved CG a little farther up, she has become 50% better. With the first 2 flights with messed up gear I thought I would have to sell this bird. But now I love it.

Also not mentioned much, She dose not fly like any other bird I have, you have to start useing your rudder to keep it level. Its a cool feature of the wheel paints, it will go in to a nife edge and stay there by its self for days. LOL

I love this Gee Bee

Iron Mike