RCU Forums - View Single Post - T-28 Dave Platt
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Old 11-19-2012, 05:10 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Gilbert AZ
Posts: 1,051
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Default RE: T-28 Dave Platt

Sorry to hear about the lack of flying. Weather here is dampening the flying time we may have left this season.
Will post some pix tonight on the Trojan, and I ave a flap question that you might be able to anser after you see the pix....
Deans plane is certainly an inspiration...
On a happier note the Avneger kicked to life yesterday next step is to go over everything and make sure it's tight as well a s a few finishing touches and then if the weather cooperates maybe a test flight before the year is over (doubtful as the winds at the beach have been a steady 15-20 with gusts avg around 25 - 30 mph.
Now that the flaps are started I'm getting antsy to get past that part and start on the ailerons. Will het the flap hinges drilled tonight and test fit into the wing and flaps.

Just in case, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and the weather coooperates so you guys can continue flying, Dean doesn't have to worry, he has perfect weather year round
