RCU Forums - View Single Post - Can you build my Hydro-Atmospheric Assisted Machine 4 £20k
Old 11-20-2012, 01:48 PM
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Default RE: Can you build my Hydro-Atmospheric Assisted Machine 4 £20k


Well I thought I was making progress.

1.) The energy required to throw a ball up is more than the kinetic energy available when it falls back to your hand. This is because of friction with the air on the way up and back down. The "missing" energy was used to heat the air.

2.) The balls on the cliff do indeed have potential energy that was stored whenever someone put them up there in the beginning. There is no free energy there, the "input" as you call it was moving the balls up on the cliff to begin with. And you can't get more energy out of the balls than it took to put them up there, again due to friction.

2.) Compared to the balls on the cliff, there is no equivalent potential "low pressure" energy stored in the atmosphere. This would be like saying I have a glass of water with a hole in the water, and you plan to capture the energy of the water rushing in to fill the hole. The low pressure you are attempting to harness is not there all the time, it is there due to work done by the fan. This is an important point you need to understand. The "input" to the fan creates the low pressure. And in trying to recover it, you will never get to 100% efficiency due to friction. In fact, in all likelihood you will probably lower the overall efficiency of the fan by trying to stick something in front of it to capture this lost "low pressure" energy.

You really should ask this on the Physics forum.