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Old 04-08-2014, 07:28 PM
Pull Up Now!
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Mauryr, all good questions. I'll try to answer the best I can. First, there is a temperature rise happening almost right away during the 15 seconds you cited starting at 0:53. Then at some point it goes into preheat, but I'm not sure if it's exactly at 1:30. I'll have to get some lighting and a better video camera than my phone to synchronize the terminal with the sound. The wires are all the same guage from the battery to the ECU, and it's the same gauge as what came with the ECU. It all looks quite heavy. I cut the excess off the wires to keep them short. The battery is a really good question. They are 3S LIFE 2500mah, 9.9V nominal. One point is they are only 5C batteries. So a 5C battery can deliver 5x2500 or 12.5 amps. When I start the turbine, I've watched the led battery voltage indicator and it usually only drops a couple tenths of a volt. This is an indication there really isn't any current starvation going on. But I think this is a good exercise in thoroughness at least. The switch is one of the MPI heavy duty switches. They are physically huge.