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Old 10-01-2015, 10:10 AM
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Originally Posted by combatpigg
$309,000 = X of 1.5% annual budget
$309,000= X times .015
$309,000 / .015 = X
$20.6 Million annual budget = X....[!]
$20,6 / 150,000 members = $137 per member spent......that's impressive...!

I'm surprised our crispy "business expert" allowed the obvious fallacy with these numbers to slip past his signature, sanctimonious review with such incompetent ease.
Sorry Sir, but you would be wrong. Also so would be my percentage. It's closer to 5 percent. But I did say approximately.

Originally Posted by combatpigg
In an age where well established, privately owned magazines are going out of business it is remarkable that the PPP mag with only a 2700 circulation can not only make it, but also command high enough advertising rates to afford to pay full time staff, publishing costs, postage, etc. with only $81,000 in dues up front.
How many privately owned businesses [in the Real World with no safety net] would be foolish enough to pursue something that looks as bleak as this...?
The PPP on it's own would never make it. But because there is a well established magazine and staff for Model Aviation, the cost is much lower than most magazines to keep it running. Also, the Ad revenue helps tremendously as well. So the PPP is a slightly different situation.

You speak as if it looks bleak. Well at the time, Park Flyers were the rage. So from that perspective the program was looking great. But at the same time, the economy dumped hard. So all of that potential went out the window with the economy.

You can sit back in your basement all day long and play keyboard jockey and claim the AMA elected and hired staff are doing things wrong. Opinions are like a55 holes, everyone has one. Instead of sitting back and saying they [AMA] are doing it wrong, STEP UP and VOLUNTEER! You seem to think you know what is going on. Step up. Do something to help benefit the AMA and it's members. I guaranty you, that once you do volunteer, get your hands dirty and actually pay attention to what is happening within the AMA and at the clubs around you, the realization of WHY things are accomplished and pursued will happen........