RCU Forums - View Single Post - Ziroli 1/6 Hellcat Build
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Old 07-04-2017, 10:18 AM
DaleCS's Avatar
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Left wing, now caught up to the right wing! Need to order some servos. Scaling down to 1/6, I may not have the room needed for the elevator servos to mount on either side of the engine/fuel box.

Had Hitec HS-755 single servo driving both elevator halves of my Byron - only about 13% more torque than calculation required at 100mph (in a dive?). Looking at Hitec HS-5645 or HS-5665 - both are 3p, 2BB, MG, programmable - using 2, one for each elevator half - this will provide 46% more torque than required, and at 0.77" wide, will fit in the limited available space.

Can spend more, but don't see the need to. The Byron flew great, never had a control issue, flying on less expensive, analog servos with less torque. More expensive, faster, higher torque servos seem to be a waste - overkill doesn't necessarily mean better or safer.

Any engineering based disagreements? Will always take constructive feedback, 'cuz I was wrong, once, long time ago, I think...was a long time ago so I might be wrong about it... Could go up to 'coreless' with HS5565 - but does a faster servo on a WWII scale fighter provide any real benefit?