RCU Forums - View Single Post - Heng Long 6.0 IR Battle System review
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Old 01-19-2020, 02:51 PM
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Fsttanks is correct about the battles. The 6.0 tanks seem to have an advantage merely because they are different. I was killing his tank and didnt know it. One draw back is the lack of sufficient warning lights. Fsttanks added some but I still could not see them.
The HL tanks require lower aiming points to hit. Once you learn how to hit them, I was hitting nearly every shot in a battle. It depends on how you play with them in a battle as to your success. Fsttanks is quite aggressive in leading attacks. His wingman his son, is alot more sneaky and is very deadly on the field.
There are nuances with the HL tanks that require you to modify how you play. Pop shots take longer. A tamiya will score a hit with a blink of IR from a tank popping out that had fired as it left cover and then backed back into cover. The HL requires a longer on target time from the firing tank or it wont register. My team began to dedicate me to take on the HL tanks in a spearhead because I had an MBT and could take more fire while slugging it out with the 6.0 system tanks.
All in all, there are unfair advantages, and drawbacks, to the 6.0 that make it something different to battle against or with. I find it fun and challenging to battle against them.
IMHO the major short fall is that I still could not see the additional hit indicator LEDs that Fsttanks had added. A better solution will come about eventually with his expirementaions. I suggested a huge police beacon on top the tank lol.