RCU Forums - View Single Post - Did anyone else notice that AMA ran a deficit last year?
Old 04-26-2020, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by JIMHI
Lose the magazine, lose my membership!
Your only a member for the magazine ???????

And a member since October 2008 and this is your first post ???? Talk about the ultimate "Sleeper cell"

While I'll freely admit to the insurance being a pretty big attraction to the AMA , as it allows one to be a member of a flying club , I have always hoped mine and all the other AMA member's memberships have also been contributing to the advancement of the hobby in some way or other (Despite the depressing future outlook , what we built with our memberships was pretty good while it lasted) . In and around all this , now the AMA is gonna see hard times ahead . Yes of course I'd like to see a whole bunch of "belt tightening" within the AMA and if the outdated dinosaur of a glossy printed magazine we get each month really needs to go on the chopping block to save the AMA's financial butt I'd expect all supposedly loyal AMA members to accept it as the future proofing it is , and just read the magazine's content online like a good techie should . You obviously have a computer , your here *****ing about the magazine after all , why in the Hell NOT read the magazine on line to save the AMA a bundle .

And , if all your really here for IS a magazine , a one year subscription to Model Airplane News is only $40 a year , far less than the cost of an AMA membership ......