RCU Forums - View Single Post - Did anyone else notice that AMA ran a deficit last year?
Old 05-03-2020, 10:12 PM
Hydro Junkie
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Careful, Jester. There are some in the forum that will take your second sentence as a personal attack and respond accordingly. I personally don't fall into any part of your characterization as I'm not a neck bearded jackwagon as I don't have a beard, I am definitely a high school graduate(honor society if that means anything), am roughly seven credits short of an AA degree, am former military with technical training in avionics as well as commercial aircraft experience that, when combined, add up to over a decade in aviation as well as almost four decades in R/C modeling. I don't see myself as an uninformed person as stated in your third sentence, either. I know enough to keep track with what's going on with the AMA and FAA and have seen enough to know the AMA is poorly managed and needs to do some serious retooling before it's dead and gone. I also know people like rcplane-RCU are the few that see the problems and try to help correct them. I do the same in my other hobbies and see the exact same results. People, in general, don't want to be bothered with anything that takes work and commitment. They want it all, they want it now and they want it for free with no strings attached. With that kind of public mindset, it's easy to see why the efforts of those that want to make an organization grow are doomed to fail, be it model aviation or any other activity.

Last edited by Hydro Junkie; 05-03-2020 at 10:16 PM.