RCU Forums - View Single Post - Ending mini-lawyering ... is it past time for AMA to require members follow the law?
Old 05-25-2020, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by jcmors
There are many issues and problems with getting Hanson voted out. There are only two other candidates allowed to run, splitting the vote for non incumbents. We saw in the last election that he has no qualms using his column in the magazine to disparage a potential opponent. However I believe that the biggest thing that prevents the membership from ousting him is that, if you take the last election as an example, by and large the membership just doesn't know or care. A very small percentage of the membership even bothered to vote. Most of the membership are members only because they have to be in order to fly at club fields, participate in events, or maybe for the insurance and pay no attention to the politics, management or inner workings of the organization. Those of us who read these forums can see some of the issues and problems, the mismanagement of finances, the push to try to force membership using the law and regulations carefully worded. The majority of the membership, in my humble opinion, just doesn't pay attention or care.
Yep , the pitiful voter participation in AMA votes shows that your right , to many members it seems the AMA is just an insurance policy so they can fly at the local club field