RCU Forums - View Single Post - 1/7 Scale Blackburn Buccaneer All Composite Scratch Build
Old 02-09-2021, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by JSF-TC

That is incorrect - the primary pitch control is an all-moving tailplane. The small tailplane trailing edge flaps only deflect (up) as a flap when the wing flaps deploy (down) to act as a trim device. The trailing edge flaps do not respond to pitch control inputs.

That sounds very strange to me.
On most aircraft, the all moving tailplane is a trimmer and the elevators are the primary pitch control unit.
Given the size of the elevators, I would strongly suggest you to use them as your primary pitch control devices and make your all moving tailplane a pitch trimmer.
Nevertheless, I doubt your elevators would be able to over-power your staibilizer. However I can compute this precisely with Ansys if you wish to.

By the way, I cannot open you log file neither, under Jeti Studio. However I can see the csv entries in a text editor.
You telemetry setup is missing some essential data: you need to record your stick positions.
Also I would recommend you to install a pitot tube and a GPS.
That way you will be able to spot your speed at a given position in your pattern and check your antennae diagram give the airplane orientation.
TAS feedback is quite essential for test flying an aircraft.

Last edited by olnico; 02-09-2021 at 09:54 AM.