RCU Forums - View Single Post - FRSky Taranis Beginners Support Group
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Old 05-17-2021, 07:59 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kitty Hawk, NC
Posts: 9
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Default Newcomer - curious about Taranis

Good morning everyone, from NC.

I am a complete newcomer to RC flying, and have just completed two partial flights using a buddy box setup at our local club (only handling the club's training aircraft once it was at a safe altitude). I was pleased to find this specific thread!

Our club is very small, and I can already see that flying opportunities as a student will be much facilitated if I get set up with my own aircraft and electronics sooner rather than later.

A few things I am curious about :

One club member flies with a Taranis system. He is detail-oriented, and I overheard him discussing an issue that resonated with me - that the Taranis control inputs are unique in being faithful to what happens in a full-sized aircraft. Eg : once a steady rate turn is initiated, the pilot will begin to neutralize some of the inputs, to avoid accelerating/steepening, etc. Is it true that the Taranis system is distinguishable from others, in this regard? I am someone who would value having an RC flying experience that is more realistic.

If I were to adopt Taranis electronics for my first (trainer) aircraft, am I now precluded from being able to have an instructor train me with another brand of transmitter in a 'buddy box' environment? I see reference to Taranis modules (emulating other brands), but I don't know what if any value these provide specifically for the transmitter coupling between instructor and student. From my casual observations at the field so far, Spektrum appears to be the most popular system being used here.

With all this in mind, I can see that the most experienced flyers may advise me to buy a low tech RTF trainer with whatever electronics are suited to local training opportunities, get that learning out of the way, and then migrate to a system that I would plan to own for years to come. I look forward to seeing what ideas exist around all of this.
