RCU Forums - View Single Post - Making a three channel parkflyer more aerobatic
Old 12-09-2003, 01:56 AM
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Default RE: Making a three channel parkflyer more aerobatic

My wife says I have an obsessive/compulsive disorder.

I don't think it would stand up to clinical evaluation, but when I get interested in something I can get pretty intense. In this case I have wanted to get involved in RC flying since I was a child, but it never happened because it was too expensive and there was always something else.

With the current state of electrics and particularly RTFs, the cost has become so low I finally put my foot in the water. Once I got that toe wet, I dove in all the way. It is close to a year now and I have not surfaced for air yet.

Joined a Glider/parkflyer club - totally hooked on gliders

Your post got me to thinkning - what is the state of my current projects - let's prove my wife correct

Flying at this time:

AEROBIRD - Just can't seem to kill it! - 100+ flights and going strong - Really want an Challenger for air to air combat and Pro mode performance

ELECTRAJET - delta wing elevon plane - 30 flights - a learning platform for elevon flight

SAGETTA 600 - RES 2 meter Glider - first flights 2 weeks ago - Sweet flyer - could become contest plane in RES class

Actively on the building table

GREAT PLANES SPIRIT - RES 2 meter Glider - My first glider - 65 flights before the big crash trying to move from hi-start to winch launching - Wings rebuilt and outer section sheeting added to enhance lift - fuselage almost finished with rebuild - Then cover - Rearranging all interior components from original positions to reduce ballast weight required and accommodate removable electric power pod for alternate launch method by electric motor. Built the power pod a couple of months ago.

Pending Projects in various states

DART - 2 meter fiberglass flat wing high speed glider - Given to me by club member - awaiting electronics installation - have not flown yet

AIRTRONICS LEGEND - 3 Meter Full House Glider - Purchased recently from club member - awaiting receiver installation and conversion of servos from Airtronics to Hitec standard plugs, then balance - Will not fly till late spring as I need more practice on Sprit and Segetta to prepare for this one - Big step up for me - could become contest ship in unlimited class

FOAMBOARD - 3D electric plane - awaiting electronics - hope to make this one a full 3D slow fun flyer using low cost GWS motor - should be able to fly in front of house

YARD BEE - electric slow flyer - picked this one up built but in need of minor repairs, then I will -install electronics - Create split elevator to evaluate tailoron on a park flyer.

SPIRIT- (same glider as above) - build second interchangeable tail section - install split elevator tailorons and add servo - test platform to evaluate the impact of split elevator tailerons on thermal turning -

Tailerons Investigation - have several threads going on this taileron idea in parkflyers and glider sections on 4 boards - looking for advice from the wizards. Spirit and Yard Bee will be the test platforms.