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Thread: Tensor
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Old 12-31-2004, 10:52 PM
Bill Mixon
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Default RE: Tensor

ORIGINAL: nappyroots2182

i am going to get a tensor but im looking at getting a himax outrunner. does anyone know which i should get and what prop? i have a kokam 3 cell 1500, CC 25 speed control. would like to stick with himax cuz its cheap and worsk good. let me know what is good and what isnt please. thanks
From what I've seen the himax is more money. I would pick from the two park 370 outrunners, and I would also seriously think about a different ESC and battery as they are a little too heavy for the Tensor.

I put one together for my brother with the 1080 KV park motor and it does pretty good with a 3 cell pack and a 10X3.8 apc SF. I checked the current at full power and it's drawing around 12 amps static using the 20 amp eflite esc. This is more than the motor is rated for, but as long as it's not held at full power for very long there shouldn't be a problem. The 9X3.8 prop would probably get the current down to the rated level, but the dia. of the prop is too small IMO. This one weighs just under 10 oz. with the TP 830 3s pack.
I'll try a 2 cell setup with a larger prop, but at 10 oz. I don't thing the vertical is going to be very impressive.
It will be very important to keep this plane as light as possible for best flying characteristics.

I hope to fly one with the 1360 motor to see how it compares. I think the 1080 will be the 3S motor and the 1360 will be the 2S motor. Both setups should end up weighing very close to the same depending on the battery. The 1360 would draw more current, so you would have to go to a larger class battery. For example if you used a 730 3S pack on the 1080 you might use a 900 2S (which weighs the same as the 730 3S) for the 1360.
