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Thread: dear sig mfg
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Old 04-13-2005, 06:49 AM
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Default RE: dear sig mfg

Our own politicians opened our borders and invited our manufacturers to leave and use cheap labor rather than stay here and use American ingenuity, that was and is NAFTA. And just as Ross Perrot predicted, we really COULD hear a huge sucking noise as an incredible job vacuum was created here in the USA. The stock market has created the situation where companies have to continually show more and more profits, and leaving our borders was the only way to continue doing this, at least for a little while. It's an impossible situation, stocks cannot continually go up, there has to be adjustments at one time or another, and investors withdraw their fund when they see a drop in profits. NAFTA was engineered by large corporations paying off our legislators so they could take their businesses outside our borders. If we DON'T close our borders to the companies that have done this, we're dooming ourselves. That or heavily taxing those companies who left and took away the jobs, those are the only slim chances we have to get America back on track. When we closed Military bases here in the USA, the areas around the bases had to start their whole economy again from scratch, and it's taken many years to start that recovery. All of America is now in that same boat, our industries have moved out, and we're left to pick up the pieces. It IS infuriating. But WE put these short-sighted, money-grubbing un-american lowlifes in office and sent them to Washington. Until the public as a whole identifies which politicians want NAFTA and CAFTA to be dead and gone and keeps them, and join together to get rid of the ones who have supported these acts and this undermining of America, we can expect no change. And until we do this, we deserve no relief.

I personally do not expect any kind of change or revolutionary uprising by Americans anytime soon, as bad as things are they don't have any inclination to rock the boat. Let's face it, Americans LIKE having Wal-Mart in every town, and really don't want to strain their little brains looking at the devastation that Wal_Mart wreaks wherever it goes. This being true and obvious, how can we reasonably expect Americans as a whole to stand up and demand that our politicians put a stop to NAFTA and CAFTA and similar acts? Not gonna happen. Sad, true, disgusting, and the same is going on all over America, with no end in sight. But none of this is news that rocks the very earth under our feet. Every person who reads this is aware of most of this at some basic level.

Let's let this go and get back to modeling here. I'd really much rather read (and talk) about SIG and wish-lists and such. I'm mostly responsible for this thread going off on a tangent, so let me apologize and I hope we can get back to R/C stuff here on our RCU thread.

I for one have decided that if I'm going to act un-American in any way, I'm going to confine it to the stuff I buy for my hobby, such as my SIG Sun Dancer ARF Bipe. I've also got my eye on that SIG Little Something Extra ARF, in Turquoise of course. Also, I just arranged to trade my big FlyBaby Bipe for a built SIG Smith Miniplane. I've already got a SIG HogBipe with a Saito .91, and a SIG Spacewalker II with a Brison 2.4 engine. The Brison has been moved over onto the Spacewalker II from another plane, and as soon as the cowling is finished I plan to see what she'll do! I had a Saito 180 in her before, it was pretty good, but had only about 300 feet of vertical before she stopped and dropped back. Shouldn't be a problem anymore! My last building project as I move into ARFs is to finish up my SIG Kobra .25 . Maybe I'll get something from SIG next just to be different, like that new Sun Dancer .50 ARF I've been hearing the rumors about being released soon!

Jim Surra