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Old 08-28-2006, 11:05 AM
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Default RE: Rotoplane with Aydlet rotor

Yesterday the Rotoplane did some new flights. One more successfull than others.
Let me give you new observations.

Wind is helpfull for take off, as in any gyroplane. In zero wind take off is impossible....cause the rotor won´t keep rotation enough time, until the Rotoplane acelerates properly. Original flat-rotor was different, it keeps rotation even at zero wind conditions. It looks as if rotation is easier for flat than Aydlett.

Yesterday flights had the same characteristics, take off was easy...but when 3 meters altitude was achieved ...it was almost impossible to keep it, descent begun and it was neccesary to land asap...I have some videos to explain it. This was NOT due to engine lost of power it seems to be related more with making turns.

Remember wath happened when tring to take off at zero wind...rotor won´t keep enough rotation speed. It seems ther´s not enough inertia or it´s some drag-related situation.
So, when the rotoplane did some turns (even as flats as possible) the Aydlett rotor its rotation speed is reduced and it wont accelerates newly, and lost of lift comes suddenly.
I remember when the flat rotor was flown, when the engine was lowered in RPM, then the aircraft begun to fall...but rotor accelerate very quickly.. (as in auto-rotation). This doesn´t happend to Aydlett

This weekend flights let me see that this is the problem, not power as I think before. All flights were carried with a 8x4 propeller.

Whats comes now ? I wish add some devices at rotor´s "leading edges" to let it turn easily. Any comments ???
