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Old 10-10-2006, 07:32 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Arlington Heights, IL
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Default RE: SEMPRA Members

This is an interesting interpretation of the cause and affect of racing. Jack since you have been around pylon for a long time you can surely understand that events come and go, and NOT one single action has a direct affect on the end result. 422 did not kill formula one. FORMULA ONE killed itself! Rule changes did not kill QM15, small airplanes, lack of participation and effort killed QM15. Rule changes are set into motion for many different reasons. Everyone can speculate why and how. Only the proposer knows the true impetus, the rest of the population can only speculate, disagree, agree and piss and moan about it. This voice and opposition is what keeps us going.

As far as rules... The 16,500 rule is gone from the AMA rulebook event 424. Why? I submitted a proposal, because:

1. it was difficult to enforce.
2. it was difficult to police.
3. Not everyone around the country was using the rule, in fact a majority were not.

There is nothing in the rules that prevents SEMPRA or any other organization from enforcing this rule. The AMA rules are a set of guidelines. If the regional organizers wish to keep track of their own set of rules so be it. Just remember what is good for you guys in Florida, is not good for the guys in other parts of the country. Therefore, I don't think it is fair to attack the AMA or the NMPRA for something that your local community can control. Jack your post started out on the right foot but digressed. You should have not included the AMA and NMPRA in your complaint. The AMA rule making body consists of 11 individuals each representing a different region of the US. In order for a rule to be accepted it needs 6 votes. That means that 6 regions of the US must agree. If one disagrees it is in the minority and majority wins. Therefore, any rule that passed must be reviewed and checked for validity. In some cases not everyone agrees and in some cases everyone agrees. It is easy to become an monday morning quarterback. It is very difficult to become an sunday afternoon star.

As far as changing parts in an engine for $200 and being a world beater... IN MY BOOK THIS IS CALLED CHEATING! If someone decides to cheat, they have made a decision to do so. Regardless of the rules they have chosen to cheat. IF anyone feels strongly about a contestant not following the rules please read the protest proceedures. IF you feel strongly about another competitor's engine ensist that your local area enforce the claiming rule that exists in the provisional section of the 424 rules.

How to deal with suspected cheating...
1. you can complain about.
2. you talk about that person behind their back.
3. you can ignore it.
4. you can work harder.
5. you can confront the person face to face.
6. you can put your money where your mouth is and protest the individual or individuals.

The trend here is that only you can make a difference. So either become part of the solution or remain part of the problem. This is not directed to anyone specifically in this post unless it pertains to your position on cheating.

Doug, you have forgotten about FORMULA 2 and 1/2A racing.
