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Old 02-11-2007, 09:51 PM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Belmont, NC
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Default First Kit Build Question

I am considering getting a kit to transfer equipment from a crashed H-9 P51 PTS (this could probably be rebuilt but I have no real expereince building so i dont know how to go about the repair) anyway I got a SUPERSTAR and have bee soloing on it for a few weeks (I only get to fly every other weekend due to work schedule)... Please Do not get me wrong here I dont want to be the newbie at the field who jumps into a plane he isnt ready for after only a few solo flights on the trainer. I still enjoy flying the trainer, and I will admit that I by no means have fully mastered all aspects of trainer flight. I plan on taking plenty of time building the kit and wont attempt to fly it until my instructor feels that i am ready. I just for some reason have a hankering to try my hand at the building aspect of the hobby. Maybe it is to geive me something to do that is related to the hobby when i cant fily during the week, but dont have to be at work. I have considered a Duraplane DuraStik .40 the reviews on this site are about 50/50 positive and negative for the model. I have kinda narrowed it down to some form of stik to build because of the high wing design and the tricycle landing gear. Can anyone offer any further advice on the Durastick 40, is there another stick type kit that would be better? Is there another plane design that a new builder would be more successful with?