RCU Forums - View Single Post - Goldberg Ultimate 10-300 build
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Old 11-16-2007, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Northville, MI
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Default RE: Goldberg Ultimate 10-300 build

Charles, kind of sad to be putting the plane away for the winter, eh? (that and washroom are about the only Canadian I know) I'll be doing the same here soon. I am hoping I may get lucky over Thanksgiving break and be able to get in some stick time, but weather is really crappy in Michigan now. I also know what you mean with the electric wing. I have a Zagi 400x converted to a mega brushless and lipos. That bird flat out boogies now, and I will fly it in most any wind. In fact after I cut short the second flight of my Ultimate last week, I cleaned it up then pulled out the Zagi. I put two ten minute flights on it with wind gusting and tossing it all over the place. Great fun. I've got an electric hydroplane I put together over the summer that should fly just as well off snow as water. So I hope not to stay grounded as I was all last winter.

Tom, 9.5 pounds is the same as my Ultimate. Seemed to fly great at that weight. Be sure to let us know how the 125S works out. I don't have one of those engines, but I almost wish I had a kit to build to put one in. I have heard so many good things about it.
