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Old 11-26-2007, 03:31 PM
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Default RE: Top Flite Cessna 310 posted

It was easy, but i would change a few things if I was to do it again.

Cut out the T section as the photos show, keep it and you can replace later !

Then put some masking tape around the front light to stop any vibration that might disturb the bulb.

Stand the model nose up in the polystyrene packaging that came with the model, it is very sturdy. If you have discarded the packaging not sure how you would do it as this packaging fits perfectly and supports the nose and eliminates unwanted vibration while tapping it with the chisel.

This leaves both hands free, get a sharp wood chisel around 1/4 inch wide.

Starting in the middle of the lead shot, start tapping the chisel with a hammer. Sounds crude but it works.

Work away removing the lead shot but leave the last row or 2 (the lead shot that is closest to the wall of the fus)
dont be greedy and try and get it all out or you will cause a stress fracture to the nose.
I got every last piece out and notice a very small hairline crack from outside the nose which i had to slightly reinforce from inside with some Epoxy.
As i say the second time round you always do something different, I removed the lead shot from my friends model and left the last row or 2 in with no problems.
Clean out the bag of the wifes vaccum cleaner and suck up the lead shot as you go, it really comes of very easy and you will be amazed how much you have got when you finish.
In fact when I weighed the lead shot I got out it nearly compensated for the batteries I put in.

Hope this helps
My 310 flew like a rocket with OS 55 AX engines