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Old 02-20-2008, 07:40 PM
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Default RE: TWIN FEVER !!!

Wow! Look at all the arm chair quarterbacks we got here! First Larry D comes out of hibernation the other day, now Dickeybird prys himself away from his machinist dungeon long enough to talk about little nitro burning planes again? What has to be done to get Matchless to come to the party, a B-17 with .020s? With AJC, it would have to be a Spruce Goose with .049 four strokers.

First, Steve Eberharts' shipment of Norvel machinery came through unscathed. I opened it all up right in front of my wife. She just got a ticket for doing 80 in a 60, so that is how she spends her fun money, this is how I spend mine. Thanks again, Newtech!

DB, nice to hear from you on your annual visit. Thanks for the out thrust tip. I didn't use it on my bipe with the TDs. Even though it has a huge rudder [like a DH Rapide] it is a little bit of work to fly out what is left in the bladder tank with just one engine running. I figured that its' big, doggy layout was built in safety. This new plane probably won't be flyable with an early flameout if the throttle shut-off doesn't work. Did AJC have engine thrust on his Cessna? I played around with a remote thrust angle control plane last year [45 degrees either way] and you don't see the planes' line of travel affected much at cruising speed. for this plane, some angle would be a good idea until the rudders are proven. Rudders on a plane like this don't usually have much effect, so in thrust we trust

KE, we can't be saying the BB word [or SR71] too loudly, those black helicopters have started sweeping the area ever since I placed the order for 4 rolls of flat black monokote with Tower. I don't even respond to these posts any more without first donning my aluminum foil brain wave shield....I hope you guys will show the same consideration and wear your foil beanies while viewing this thread. [8D]

Andrew, you've been kind of scarce, too. You aren't growing your fingernails real long now [making it hard to type] like some of these other recluses, are you? WBPU works pretty good but it doesn't give a hard shell over foam. It sands and fills nicely, but it doesn't get hard enough to feather out FG seams, they just get fuzzy.

Erok, I'm going to use Hayes 2 oz tanks and figure on shutting the engines down before the plane starts spinning, at least in the beginning. Who knows, this thing might end up being a champion flat spinner that can do perfectly gentle verticle landings?

Lil'D.....on the bright side the engines might never reach the ground?

RLF, let's make this another postal plane project.....but with a twist. The recipient of the already fueled up] plane has a camera crew show up at his house un-announced and they drag the guy down to the closest field to, "fly it or else". The pop corn and beer concession after the release of the video would be enough to retire on, alone. Who here should lead off?Who do we know who already has a hard enough time making it through the day on just one pair of shorts? His name is on the tip of my tongue, just a minute...VVVViiiiiccccmmm....