RCU Forums - View Single Post - Dietrich Extra 260 50cc
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Old 08-26-2008, 09:42 AM
Radical Departure
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Default RE: Dietrich Extra 260 50cc

Outstanding! As time goes on you'll get more comfortable with it. Landings will get better, just modulate the throttle a bit to arrest the decent, let it grease right on in. Resist the urge to use the elevator to flare. It'll settle in so nice you'll find you rarely have to use it during final / touchdown. And it'll handle winds very well. On a good cross-wind it'll seem like you have to pile the rudder on it, but it will hold steady and track solid. Take a bit time to work through getting the surfaces tuned to your style of flying. I have my low rates setup for IMAC, running somewhere around 40-50% expo. High rates are full throws with around same expo. Truthfully, I haven't flown it with high rates all around. I'll flip a switch depending on what I'm doing, i.e. for harriers I'll flip the elev, etc.. You'll find yourself wanting to fly this plane a lot!

Congratulations on a successful maiden!