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Old 09-26-2008, 01:10 PM
Gordon W
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Default Video - Whooshes Sweeter Than Whines

The thread title is a parody on the title of the song of almost the same name by Pete Seeger and the Weavers from wa-a-ay back. I'm hoping you jetsters spot my inference in EDF terms, in that not all EDFs sound like a foamy. The Seeger song is one of my faves from my formative years and I liked this pacy version : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeH-3VFaPak

The foregoing serves to introduce another video of my cool-sounding Stumax-powered Hawk shot yesterday evening by Ron Laden. Thanks Ron! I'd been trying to work out a coordinated aerobatic routine all day, but as soon as I firewalled the throttle for take-off that all went by the board, so I just flew the ship and did any manoeuvre that came into my head on the spur of the moment. The video is actually edited down from a couple of flights we had so is somewhat disconnected in places, not least because I think we both had probs keeping up with the blighter on occasion!

I still need to do some more work on the landings too - the one in the vid is around the 52nd Maybe I should have sat the pilot in the front seat to give him a better view

Not to mention the attempted rolling loop which you might notice at the 2:05 point, which I tried to do for the first time yesterday evening, and got 3/4 the way through it both times before it went to worms

The temp was down in the low 50's so it took a while for the batts to warm up, but when they did ...

The local Air Cadets had been watching some of the flying from where they'd been drilling outside their headquarters, which is about 300m from the main runway as the crow flies. During the second flight their CO came up and asked me if I'd take the model down to them and show them round it. So I taxied it off the runway and round the peri-track and they all stood round whilst I explained about the model and background to the full size Hawk on which it's based. They had been thinking that the model was turbine powered so were pretty impressed that an electric fan could move a model like this so well. They also confirmed that all they could hear was the merest whisper from it in flight, so I guess that the houses which are about another 200m away never heard a thing.

Be aware that in the vid, the shotgun mike I have on the camcorder effectively amplifies the plane's sound while ignoring the ambient noise.

Power this evening, once warmed up, would be around 3.5-3.7kW. Weight is around 15.5lb.

Here's the vid; http://www.rcuvideos.com/video/Stuma...ep-08-23MB-wmv
