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Old 03-01-2009, 05:25 PM
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Default RE: Still a Bottom Feeder.


You are in error there. The park pilots with their 2 pound planes do get their own magazine, so why does the AMA continue to fill MA with these models?
Wow, I cant believe neither I nor anyone else ever noticed AMA makes a
discipline specific separate magazine that one can opt for instead of MA
(-$36NoMA +$10 Specialized mag).

That kinda throws the whole theory of One Mag Fits All out the window, dont it. [8D]
Hmmm, one might also say it throws the Mandatory MA out the window too.
Seems some of the guys that send checks to indiana are not forced to 'receive' MA and throw it away / donate it. They instead get a specialized magazine tailored to their discipline..... not many 40%Yak ARF ads in that one, unlike the flood of LilFoamie ads in MA.

Face it Stick,
the untold thousands of AMA Scratch&Scale guys are just a minority in AMA that dont rate a special mag,
unlike a thousand PF guys that get their own magazine made for them.
Maybe if you swell the ranks of Scratch&Scale members down to the thousand or so PF guys, then AMA might make a discipline specific Membership Tier and magazine for Scratch&Scale like they did for PF

And oddly enough,
that member magazine other than MA doesnt have a problem with
Anti-PublicFlyer slurs and slights like BottomeFeeder or Likely Unsafe.
You still don't get it do you? Go back to the last post, and read point #8. Continue to read it over and over until you get the message that this point contains. It sounds like you get halfway through each point, and then your fingers take off. No, you still don't understand what I have been trying to say.

1. I don't want a magazine geared toward scratch built scale.

2. I don't care what they write about.

3. I don't care what they advertize.

Last and most important: I don't want the magazine!!!

Now, please tell me how that's so hard for you to wrap your head around.


Bill, AMA 4720