RCU Forums - View Single Post - TOM BRETT'S DESIGNS-UPDATE
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Old 08-23-2009, 08:26 PM
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Indeed very nice work by Tom Brett, could be a textbook example. Nice how even the rib center/chord lines and the building board lines below them are not parallel but follow the anhedral. I wonder if today's CAD work is simpler than this geometric construction on the drawing board. I start thinking that drawing new building plans (rib outlines, plan view for the building board) would be even better than using copies of the original plans.
Yes, Tom was a master at his craft. Imagine what he could do with CAD today.

I used the simulator model builder program (not used to Solidworks) because it's simple. Building the whole stab would be not less work than building and photographing it in reality. Just cut the ribs, pin them on the plan, glue the small bars on, sheet both sides, glue the bigger (outer) bars, and sand the radius. OK, I forgot the triangular center block and the tip block, but still simple.
Yes, very simple to build once it is properly jigged in a building fixture.

I wonder what the linkage in the fin looks like.

BTW, could it be that the orientation of three views is different in American and German drawings?
I think we'll find out real soon!

I don't think orientation is any different between American and German designs as it can be the designers choice according to what and how he wants to represent the view in question.

OK Duane, what other goodies are you going to show us?