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Old 02-22-2010, 06:26 PM
Free Bird
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Farmington, CT
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Hi Free Bird, Great job. Your Perigee looks BEAUTIFUL. I'll encourage Helen Brett to look at your post. I was very fortunate to know Tom in the 60s. His Genius is finally being acknowledged. I keep plugging away at my updated movie with more of Tom and his other airplanes. Thanks again for your post.
Col. Chuck Winter
Thanks for the kudos Col. Much appreciated! Since I was a kid I've had a "thing" for the Perigee. I remember a couple of them in the club my Dad belonged to way back when. Getting this model and restoring it, is a high point of my modeling endeavors. Next will be flying it in the spring. I've enjoyed watching your DVD many times and look forward to the next one!

As I said...thanks for "getting the ball rolling" for this whole thread. One thing many times leads to another. If you hadn't mentioned your home movies in the Ed Kazmirski's Taurus thread, and put them on video for us, none of this would have happened. Visiting Helen and seeing their memorabelia was the fulfillment of a dream for me.

Please keep me in mind when you have the "new and improved" video completed, and let me know if I can help you in any way.

Because of this thread, Helen's input, your generosity in sharing the information and other factors, my Perigee is what it is today. When I first got the model, I really didn't have a plan for it, other than to refinish it. This thread has been a huge inspiration for me to try and capture the essence of what Tom was trying to do almost 50 years ago. Hopefully I've done that with this small effort. I'm very grateful that you had the opportunity to visit Helen and for sharing those visits with us. You've brought to light a lot of R/C history that would have gone unnoticed. And as you said above, "One thing leads to another" will certainly be the case here in the future!

So, thanks to both of you guys for allowing me to live the dream!