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-   -   Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS? (https://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/beginners-85/1712233-hi-anyone-know-some-places-really-cheap-trainer-kits.html)

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-11-2004 11:44 AM

Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

I need a trainer.......................

Dean recommended me to get a trainer and save my Tiger II for later....

Carlos Murphy 04-11-2004 12:17 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
The only trainer "KIT" I know of (if it's still available) is the Bud Nosen 105" trainer but I doubt your looking for something like it however, they are VERY easy to fly.
For the money you would spend on a 40 size trainer, covering, glue and epoxy, you can spend $69.95 and get a built World Models Mach 1 trainer with a semi-symmetrical wing and NOT covered with "shelf paper".
There is only three things to glue, the wings together, a small piece of plywood for the aileron servo and a stick behind the fuel tank to hold it in place. The tail assembly mounts with two machine screws and is self aligning.
Use any good 40 to 46 size engine and you'll be in the air in a very short time. I assembled mine in less than a day, use it for training students and just plain no stress fun flying.

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-11-2004 12:29 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
I would prefer to build, but I realize now that I would not be able to fly this year. I think I might buy an ARF after all.
Are there any LT-40's for less than $50? Any 40-size trainer less than $50? Telemasters? Eagle 2's? I might buy the World Models ARF. Any other cheap choices?

a65l 04-11-2004 12:50 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
I've got a re-kitted Avistar you can have cheap.....


DBCherry 04-11-2004 03:16 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Hey David,
Who is Dean? I'm not looking to contradict him because it is usually best to start with a trainer, but I also know your financial situation and think we might be able to teach you on the Tiger II.

If you can find one you can afford (an ARF would be best), then by all means get it. You'll probably still want to fly it after you've soloed, and if not, you can always sell it.

MinnFlyer 04-11-2004 03:24 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
David, why not throw a SPAD together to practice on?

Mitty 04-11-2004 03:29 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
I bought a hangar 9 arf trainer with semisymetrical wing...Bought it used and abused and sorry i have done so.
I definately would not recommend used trainers.Wish i knew that before i bought this.
Good luck.

autopilot 04-11-2004 04:10 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
How about a World Models trainer? They go for about $70.

glueboy 04-11-2004 05:37 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Tower Trainer 40 ARF is going for $69.95 on the Tower website.

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-11-2004 07:27 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
DB, I mean Dean Anderson.

I think MinnFlyer's idea is great. I will probably buy an ARF SPAD from one of the people who ARF SPADs.


PS Anyone know of any other people who sell ARF Spads except for those on the SPAD site?

Chris-_-Memphis 04-11-2004 07:37 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
i thought youve already out grown a trainer?

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-11-2004 07:43 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

Chris-_-Memphis 04-11-2004 09:09 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
i thought u was on to bigger and better planes.. last thread i read from you ..you was flying something harder than a trainer;)

DBCherry 04-11-2004 10:05 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Poor David has been champing at the bit to get started with RC since last fall. He bought a Tiger II initially, but has never flown it, that's why he's starting to look for trainers.

I know Dean very well, he's a good friend. Is he going to instruct you? Is he willing to do it at the CMRCM field? Because he usually instructs at the Oxford field (which is a limited membership club).

I'm officially a CMRCM instructor (as is Dean), so if you have trouble working things out with him let me know.

I think I've seen SPADs go on eBay pretty cheap, if that's what you decide to do.

Carlos Murphy 04-11-2004 11:11 PM

Better trainer!!!
The World Mach 2 is a better trainer than the Tower, I've had two Tower's and now have a World.
I fly all kinds of trainers when I instruct, there are bad, OK and good ones but I think the Mach 2 is above "good" and I don't even work for them!

Todd M 04-11-2004 11:53 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Get the Aircore Trainer from Tower, it's only $64.99. It's real cheap when you take into cosideration that you will only need one. I have crashed mine pretty hard and it only took a few minutes to fix it and have it flying again. If you read about the guy's who crash their balsa wood trainer and need to spend weeks fixing it or just having to go buy a second wing or plane to replace the one they destroyed or even worse they give up and take up knitting or something, the Aircore looks real good. It's a little different to build but it fly's fine. About the only difference in flight is that the Aircore has a slightly higher stall speed, a couple mph is all, not a big deal when you consider that you can crash the thing on landing while you learn and not have to worry about it. Just keep lots of rubberbands and prop's with you and have fun.

Chris-_-Memphis 04-12-2004 07:15 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
[quote]ORIGINAL: DBCherry

Poor David has been champing at the bit to get started with RC since last fall. He bought a Tiger II initially, but has never flown it, that's why he's starting to look for trainers.

doh!.. hell ive read a few of his threads and thought hes already solo'd[:@].. my bad...

i dont know of any cheap ones.. but they have the avistar rtf version now.. 279 from tower i think... dont go cheap.. youll pay for it in the end[:'(]

Lightfoot 04-12-2004 07:49 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
With an MSR of $59.95, the Balsa USA Stick 40+ is a good deal and it is an excellent trainer. Sure, it is ugly but it is easy to build, easy to fly, and tough as nails.

MinnFlyer 04-12-2004 08:35 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Personally, I don't understand why this guy won't teach you on the tiger. While it is not a text book definition of a trainer, I have trained many newbies on it.

If I recall correctly, doesn't David have a lot of Sim time? If so, I would have no problem going with the Tiger.

Askalon 04-12-2004 10:04 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
get some coroplast and build your spad. They are very easy and take only a couple nights to complete (may take a bit longer depending on the availability os supplies).

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-12-2004 03:05 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Just FMS with no interface[:o]

Lemme see... might be able to persuade Dean to get me to fly on the Tiger II...

But I am a bit worried about the crash factor and the extended learning curve. I've emailed a guy about SPADs and am waiting for his reply.

Henry_90lx 04-12-2004 04:33 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

Its the deb. Its a SPAD and you can have it built and flying in a couple of nights.


Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-12-2004 04:45 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

But let me see
Fuel tank $5-10
Hardware- $20
SPAD- $20

Oh no! That's up to $50!!!!!!!!! :( Oh well... I'll have to fly the Tiger II.

DBCherry 04-12-2004 09:15 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
As I said, if Dean is uncomfortable with taking you up, then I will.

MinnFlyer 04-13-2004 06:08 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
ATTABOY Dennis! :D

jagnweiner 04-13-2004 06:21 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
David is right about how the initial costs of a SPAD can add up. The good news is that one sheet of coro is good for two planes and a section of gutterpipe is good for about three. You can generally reuse all the other parts in case you need to rekit. Don't ask me how I know!

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-13-2004 01:45 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Hehe ok!!!

I'll get DB to take me up.

Hey, DB, when can we get together?

tiggerinmk 04-13-2004 03:53 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

ORIGINAL: Yub, yub, cmdr!
Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
TH trainer kit is still only $45, http://www2.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin...?&I=LXJA29&P=0

I'm surprised no-one mentioned it.....

Skitchen8 04-13-2004 05:13 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Don't know if it has been mentioned or not but visit www.spadtothebone.com, cheapest you will find a plane but you are still going to have to spend much more than $50 on the engine and radio.

DBCherry 04-13-2004 08:09 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Let's watch and see what the weather's suppose to be like this Sunday.

If it's a good day I'm planning on going to the field. I just started helping my brother, so he'll likely be there too.

I'm willing to bet that if he has his new trainer with him, he'd be happy to let you take the controls for awhile. That way you can judge for yourself about learning on your Tiger II or a trainer.

By the way, I took him to the field a week or so ago and buddy boxed him with my 4* 40, and he did really well. I suggested that he might want to take his trainer back to John (at Hog Heaven) and get a second plane to start with, but he decided to keep the trainer so he can teach his girlfriend later. :D

Hopefully Sunday will be good.

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-14-2004 08:58 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?

Can you bring your 4* or Super Sportster too??


zetor 04-14-2004 10:47 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
The most anticipated solo in RCU history is approaching.

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-14-2004 02:03 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?


I'm looking forward to it too...

DBCherry 04-14-2004 06:48 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
I BET you are! It's been too long for someone to have to wait. ;)

I will certainly bring my 4*. Unfortunately, my Sportster already at the field, the fuselage anyway. I was down there last week with my brother, and being anxious to get it into the air I took off without really fine tuning the needle setting.

After a low slow flyby down the field I hit full throttle and the engine just wouldn't recover. I throttled back and kept it running just long enough to get it above the trees where it quit. I was last there a couple days ago and it's still sitting in the top of a huge tree.

It's about 50 feet up there, in thick woods, and even the heavy winds we've had haven't shaken it loose. [:@]

I'm probably going to have to get down there with 50 feet of PVC pipe a poke at it. ;)

By the way, I just realized today that I also have Monday off. It's Patriot's day. (And for the rest of the country, no, Patriots Day has nothing to do with our football team. :D

So if the weather's bad Sunday, there's always Monday.

Unfortuantely my brother won't be able to make either day.

MinnFlyer 04-15-2004 09:25 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Wish I could be there. Take videos to post Dennis! :D

raptor5900 04-15-2004 09:34 AM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
David you already have as many post as i do and i've been flying for a year hehe.......any way good luck flyin it should be no problem. Oh i have to get this off my back....i took my SPA3d up yester day and the flight lasted about 1 second before i stuffed the nose in the ground oh well its ready to fly again today anyway that was embarrassing since i'm supposed to be one of the best pilots at my field now.

Yub, yub, cmdr! 04-15-2004 06:56 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
You know what? You and I both have similar amounts of posts, Minnflyer has about 10x more, DB has almost 5x more.... Everyone on RCU posts a lot because it is a friendly community and they don't get angry at posts even if they are completely, horribly wrong.

DBCherry 04-16-2004 05:07 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Hey David,
Things are looking good for Sunday so far! Upper 60's, mostly sunny, not sure about the wind yet, but.... :D

tailskid 04-16-2004 05:20 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
I have a nice trainer or two for sale if anyone is interested....Alpha 60 and NexStar....


PM me if you are interested

DBCherry 04-16-2004 06:01 PM

RE: Hi! Anyone know some places for REALLY CHEAP TRAINER KITS?
Why not post them in classifieds?

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