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Old 05-08-2012, 12:10 PM
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Default RE: No lift(after long headache) 450 Clone

Im not familiar with the Esky helis...but you said the heli you have is a 450 clone so that makes me think that what you have is similar to an Align 450 heli.

If you arent getting lift on a CP heli, the first place to look would be your pitch and throttle curves. More importantly the pitch...but if your motor isnt turning fast enough it could cause you not to lift off even with the proper pitch curve.

Also, on a CP heli...you have at least 2 flight modes. 1 for normal...2nd for idle up (or stunt mode) and on some radios a 3rd for idle up 2 (or stunt mode 2).

In normal mode...your throttle curve and pitch curve are for normal flight. Meaning NO inverted or 3D ability because from 0 stick on throttle give you no motor....and as you apply throttle your motor will start to turn faster and faster until you reach max throttle. Also, your pitch curve for normal mode will go something like -2 to 0 degrees pitch at zero throttle...all the way to +10 to +12 degrees pitch at full throttle. With you having 0 pitch at mid throttle and roughly 80% of the speed of your motor.

In your stunt mode...its basically the same except you have roughly 100% motor speed at all throttle positions (some people like to have it 100, 100, 80, 100, 100) for throttle curve. And then you would have a linear pitch of -10 to -12 at zero throttle and +10 to +12 at full throttle with again 0 pitch at center throttle stick. This is what allows you to fly a CP heli inverted and do all the crazy 3D stuff (if your skills are up to it).

I know someone else can and probably will chime in with a better detailed instruction for you. Just thought I would give you something to think about till that time. And maybe you will understand what I have posted and get it going by my post alone. Its just setup is one of the things I find that I struggle with. I do understand what needs done...just hard for me to explain it in a way that makes a whole lot of sense because I am still somewhat new to helicopters myself.

Goodluck to ya!