RCU Forums - View Single Post - Check out this F4U Guillow's Conversion!
Old 10-17-2003, 09:39 AM
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Default RE: Check out this F4U Guillow's Conversion!

Here is the response I received when I asked the builder if it could fly.


I flew it on full flaps (only half of which were actually functional), rich mix, slow speed for about a half dozen passes over the field, then brought it in. Radio was HiTec five channels micro servos. I would have been inclined to turn it into a pure flier (and might yet sometime) but the spouse likes it too much to see it trashed. If I ever start flying it, I'm going full-on combat; the thing's not that expensive and can probably take the knocks. But she's never actually seen one of my projects "rekitted" and it would break her heart to see it returned to its elements... She pretty much felt the same way about the Sopwith Camel, which is why I don't fly that one either. So these craft hang offa the ceiling protecting the airspace around my model train set.
The best conversion I ever built and flew was the Guillow Cessna 172. I've done probably a half dozen in my life, a coupla R/C and a few U-Control. That model flies the best of all the Guillow's I've built, and has more room for more gadgets than other craft its size.
Anyway, thanks for writing! Best of luck with your projects.

There ya have it. At least he isn't afraid of cracking it up! HAW!