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Thread: Carf rebel pro
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Old 11-17-2022, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Racer686
I ordered the stock Infinity scheme, I'm putting in a Swiwin 220. I've been asking lots of questions about tanks with Carlos. I did ask about using the Digitech Ultimate Clunk, should I be thinking of felt? I'll be ordering the Electron NGs in black next week direct. Powerbox Comp SR2 or Mercury SR2 (if it's available) will be ordered next week. Digitech UAT and Promodeler 630oz brushless servos to round it out.
That Digitech clunk is good, the issue with the six-liter is that there's no baffle so when the pickup moves side to side and forward especially after a flight time your chances of getting more into the MAP tank increase a lot.
I just swapped out the brass pickup for his largest felt pickup and them drilled out the metal to increase the flow.
I'm running a 240 Swiwin in mine and at 3400', with a lost of but 15-18% power so your 220 will have alot of thrust.
The Gear you can go with NG about you have to use the 200Pro only and run 11.1 volt 3cell Lipo, good choice.
Have you used these Promodeler servos, I like what I've read but nobody around here has used them.
It sounds like you will have a "Rocket" when done.

Last edited by Skunkwrks; 11-17-2022 at 12:15 PM.