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Old 06-09-2005, 09:11 AM
apereira's Avatar
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Default RE: Icepoint Wing Failure

The World Models ZEN 120 is an ARF, there's not enough glue in certain areas and the stab incidence adjuster was loose Ines the stab, I reattached that part and used CA and epoxy to reinforce all areas I thought needed attention, after 4 years of flying and hundreds of flight this aircraft flight as good as my craftsman's kits (Finesse and Summit 120), I had a Great Scape also that I built from the kit and it was a truck!, very nice aircraft flew very well, but the only way to be competitive is to save a lot of weight, and that has a price in the structure.

I've seen over the years airplanes from kits with tons of epoxy in the wrong place to come apart in the air. It is everyone's responsibility to check their aircraft even before flight, that's better than just build and wait to see if it fails and then talk and talk , and more talk about and issue that everybody understand by now, even from page one, I'm going to order an Icepoint anyway because all the things I saw already about the performance, Oh, by the way you can get a ZEN III reinforced with glass and carbon fiber, very Strong and will not come apart in the air, it cost just over $2000!!!.

I'll reinforce the Icepoint as I always do with all my ARF's, anyway I never had a structural failure anyway in about 10years.
I'm not coming back to this forum it went out of line a while ago.