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Old 10-31-2005, 03:54 AM
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Default RE: Top flight 85" P47?

G'day Mike,

no worries. I went to a printing place with the aero detail book, showed them the picture and told them the multipication factor to enlarge by. They simply scanned the drawings in and applied the facor, $150 and 1 days later I had several very large rolls of paper in the exact size with full panel lines etc detail on them. So easy now for detailing.

mmm you could go the cad route but as I am a cad novice except doe some work in Command 2000, Visio I could not really say if that approach is viable or not.

the re-engineering is not that hard, I had it all worked out in my head how to do it then simply made up some paper templates and did overlays on the plans to get the locations for sub spars etc. Added a couple of pound to the wing perhaps but will be worth it and the wing is exceptionally strong now.

I also had to modify the robart retracts from being 85 degree to 90 degree type as a consequence.

Spelling? Mate I'm an engineer so you can imagine what my spelling is like! Thank good ness for spell checkers though not when they are Yanklish hehehe

3 am? You should be in the workshop cutting wood not wasting time here says he who is on the laptop yet again!

anyway time for me to be off - home theatre is calling meeeeee