RCU Forums - View Single Post - New Blackhawk Heli... A lil bigger than T-Rex
Old 04-04-2007, 09:40 AM
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Default RE: New Blackhawk Heli... A lil bigger than T-Rex

It's going to sound odd, but it might be good that when I got the helio I, (like Arthure), mistook it for a power tool.
(As in... hey look, a tool to drill holes in the ceiling... hahahaha..Arthure, I know the feeling of seeing the helio spring from the workbench to the ceiling at full speed. A life lesson in under 2 seconds.)

If my accident had not happened, I would have probably flown it in to a neighbor's house, or a neighbor.
As it turned out, I have had the "opportunity" to rebuild/replace a number of parts. As an electronic engineer, it has been fascinating to get in to the details.

I'm in a busy time at work right now, and it seems that wherever the weather is good for flying, I'm either busy or too tired.

My wife thinks I have too many hobbies. She may be right, but this one seems to show promise. (Unless I continuously crash)

I do like to read posts of other flyers, and their experiences.
