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Old 09-20-2007, 09:54 PM
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Default RE: Cell phones???

ORIGINAL: MiamizFinest

nick i live in miami in the heart of where METRO PCS started about 6 year ago so i thought id help u out

THERE IS NO PHONE ON THE MARKET that works with metro PCS unless its a METRO PCS phone.........metro pcs is the only company that does not use SIM CARDS.........so unless the phone is SPECIFALLY BRANDED METRO PCS nothing else will work

i hate metro PCS for about 4 years since it started (i had there first phone back when they only offered 1 fone model for everyone LOL) and honestly i hated it yea the free minuets was a plus but the fone lost signal so many times and barely worked anywhere........

plus i see ur in FL when a hurricane comes by FL guess what fones r the first ones to crap out and not work till a week after the storm passes?????

this is why i whent cingular and never looked back
I have been using it for a bout a year now and the service has gotten better. When i first got it my phone did not get a good signal in many places but after like 2 months it improved i think they improved the network alot. Now i can get a signal almost anywhere except a couple building here adn there. Also when i first got it i would drop alot of calls. NOw i dont rember the last call i dropped. Metro has come along way from what it used to be. And there network is a decent size works from like northport to tampa and along I-4 to orlando. So i am pretty covered in this area. But thanks for the thoughts MiamizFinest. Not sure which phone i will get now. dont really want to spend 200 on a phone but my last 130 phone sucks and is now half borken after a year. [:@]