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Old 07-14-2008, 01:49 PM
Nina Roses Dad
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Default RE: Aquacraft Mini Rio

You can find the x431 it if you google it or if you pm the guy on ebay who sells octura props. I've put off ordering a couple because I keep telling myself that what I really need to do is put those few $$$ toward a couple of liPo batteries, in which case the stock prop will be just fine.

The stock charger is a good little unit, but only works on 12v DC, so leaving it plugged into your car overnight only works if the accessory outlets stay on 24/7. I have a decent AC/DC peak charger, but I mostly use it for the 7-cell packs for my Hammer. I've got one of those thermoelectric ice-less coolers which happens to have a very nice switching AC power supply, so I run the Mini-Rio charger off that and just leave it on the workbench. I bought a 1-into-3 parallel charging harness from all-battery.com and I let all 3 of my packs for this boat trickle charge at the same time. That way they top off nice and slow and they don't even get warm.

Others on this thread with fancy chargers have said that they've measured the capacity of the pack to be over 1400mah, so the 1100mah rating is probably conservative, meant to be an indication of what it holds if only charges up to the point that you've trigger the peak detection circuitry in the charger and haven't actually let it top off. You can find identical packs on all-battery.com as well. Their prices on ebay are usually lower than if you buy off their website, though.