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Old 03-05-2010, 07:42 PM
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Default RE: Tiger 2 First Flight Squaks

Mikester... I just held the wing up to the plan and my gear lines up exactly with the rake on the plan you mention. My .35AX is about 5 ozs lighter than most .46's that folks are using so that is probably why it ends up light on the nose. If I build another one, that gear attach is moving back a half inch.

For a first complete kit, you certainly did a beautiful job. That is a lot of Monokote work you did and it looks great. I agree with your flight comments as well. I thought with the wind I had on my first flights that I would have a heck of a time controlling it to the runway on landing, but it flew just as you said, as if on rails. Even with the wind, I shot a few touch and go's and it behaved well. Can't wait to get out and wring out the slow flight ability and do some Cuban 8's on a day when the winds aren't gusting to 20!